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Wolfgang Christian; Tan Wei Chiong

Sample Learning Goals


For Teachers

This simulation illustrates Faraday's Law of electromagnetic induction, predicting how a magnetic field interacts with an electric field, producing an electromotive force (e.m.f.). Faraday's Law is one of the fundamental laws of electromagnetism.

In this simulation, a straight wire is moved across a pair of parallel wires, in a magnetic field that is either facing into the screen (blue) or out of the screen (red).
The emf-time graph is represented by the graph above the experimental setup and you can vary the magnetic field B(x,t)by adjusting the formula expressing the magnetic field.
The time t is measured in seconds, but do take note that the time in the simulation is faster than real-time.






  1. improved version with joseph chua's inputs
  2. original simulation by lookang

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