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Introducing the SYPT Juror Assignment Web App: Simplifying Juror Scheduling
Juror Assignment Web App

The Singapore Young Physicists' Tournament (SYPT) is an annual competition that brings together budding physicists from various institutions to showcase their problem-solving skills and knowledge. One of the logistical challenges of organizing such an event is assigning jurors to different problem fights (PFs) in a fair and efficient manner.

Traditionally, this assignment process was handled using Python scripts running on local machines. However, this approach required users to have Python installed, along with the necessary libraries, and some familiarity with running scripts from the command line.

To streamline this process, we are excited to introduce the SYPT Juror Assignment Web App —a browser-based solution that simplifies juror scheduling without the need for any local installations.

Why the Web App is Superior to Running Python Locally

Before diving into the features of the web app, let's explore why this browser-based tool offers significant advantages over traditional local Python scripts:

  1. No Installation Required: Users do not need to install Python or any additional libraries. The web app runs entirely in the browser, making it accessible from any device with internet access.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive interface allows users to upload CSV files, process data, and download results with just a few clicks.

  3. Instant Processing: Data processing occurs in real-time within the browser. There's no need to wait for scripts to run or troubleshoot issues related to local environments.

  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Whether you're on Windows, macOS, or Linux, the web app functions consistently across all platforms.

  5. Enhanced Accessibility: Educators and organizers with limited programming experience can easily use the tool without diving into code.

  6. Secure Data Handling: Since all processing is done client-side, your data is not sent to any server, ensuring privacy and security.

Features of the SYPT Juror Assignment Web App

1. Upload Assignment Matrix and Jurors CSV Files

The web app allows users to upload two critical CSV files:

  • Assignment Matrix CSV: This file contains the scheduling matrix for teams across different PFs.
  • Jurors CSV: This file lists the jurors along with their affiliations.

2. Load Sample Data

For users new to the tool or those who want to test its functionality, the app provides sample data that can be loaded with a single click.

  • Load Sample Assignment Matrix CSV
  • Load Sample Jurors CSV

This feature helps users understand the expected format of the CSV files and see how the app processes data.

3. Real-Time Data Preview

Upon uploading or loading the sample data, the app displays a preview of the data in a tabular format. This immediate feedback ensures that the data has been correctly parsed and is in the expected format.


4. Process Files and Generate Outputs

By clicking the "Process Files" button, the app performs the following:

  • Validates Data: Checks for any inconsistencies or missing information.
  • Assigns Jurors: Uses an algorithm to assign jurors to PFs while avoiding conflicts such as jurors evaluating their affiliated teams.
  • Generates Output Files: Creates three CSV files with the assignment results.

5. Downloadable Output Files

The app generates and displays three key output files:

  • Juror schedule.csv: A schedule for each juror indicating which PFs and rooms they are assigned to.
  • juror_assignment_list_table.csv: A comprehensive table listing all fights, participating teams, assigned jurors, and reserves.
  • juror_assignment_list.csv: A simplified list suitable for quick reference.

Users can download these files directly from the app.


6. Interactive Output Display

In addition to downloading the files, the app displays the output data in the browser. Users can review the assignments without leaving the page.


Under the Hood: How the App Works

The SYPT Juror Assignment Web App leverages modern web technologies:

  • HTML and CSS: For structuring and styling the user interface.
  • JavaScript: For data processing and interactivity.
  • Papa Parse: A powerful CSV parsing library that efficiently reads and processes CSV files in the browser.
  • FileSaver.js: Allows users to save files generated within the browser to their local machine.

Key Processing Steps

  1. Data Parsing: The app reads the uploaded CSV files and parses them into JavaScript objects.

  2. Data Cleaning: It performs data cleaning to handle any inconsistencies, such as missing headers or empty fields.

  3. Dynamic Room and PF Detection: Rooms and PFs are dynamically identified based on the data, allowing the app to adapt to different tournament setups.

  4. Juror Assignment Algorithm: An assignment algorithm ensures that jurors are:

    • Not assigned to PFs where their affiliated teams are competing.
    • Evenly distributed across PFs.
    • Not double-booked for the same time slot.
  5. Output Generation: The app compiles the assignment results into structured data, ready for download and display.

Advantages Over Local Python Scripts

While Python is a versatile language with robust libraries, using it for this specific task on local machines presents several challenges that the web app overcomes:

  • Ease of Use: The web app requires no coding knowledge. Users interact with a graphical interface rather than command-line prompts.

  • No Dependency Issues: Running Python scripts often requires managing dependencies and library versions. The web app eliminates these concerns.

  • Instant Updates: Any improvements or bug fixes to the app are immediately available to all users without the need to download updated scripts.

  • Collaborative Access: The app can be shared with team members or other organizers through a simple URL.

  • Error Handling: The web app provides immediate feedback and user-friendly error messages, making it easier to troubleshoot issues.

Getting Started with the SYPT Juror Assignment Web App

  1. Access the Web App

    Open the web app in your preferred browser.

  2. Prepare Your CSV Files

    Ensure that your Assignment Matrix CSV and Jurors CSV files are formatted correctly. Refer to the sample data for guidance.

  3. Upload or Load Sample Data

    Use the upload buttons to select your files or load the sample data to see how the app works.

  4. Process the Data

    Click on "Process Files" to generate the juror assignments.

  5. Review and Download Outputs

    Scroll down to view the output tables. Use the download buttons to save the CSV files for your records.


The SYPT Juror Assignment Web App represents a significant improvement in the way juror scheduling is handled for the Singapore Young Physicists' Tournament. By moving the process to a browser-based platform, we've made it more accessible, efficient, and user-friendly.

Organizers can now focus more on the event itself rather than the technicalities of running scripts and managing data. We believe this tool will enhance the overall experience for both organizers and participants.

Created byThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Based on Original Python Code bynic_wong

Source CodeGitHub Repository

Feel free to contribute to the project or reach out with suggestions and feedback!


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