Thanks to Boon Chien for sharing his idea to me to code as a JavaScript interactive
A collaboration with AST to allow students to generate own waveforms through 6 to 8 devices all lineup to support collaborative learning. There is also a mathematically generated wave for comparison with student’s own ideas.
Wave is an oscillation accompanied by a transfer of energy that travels through medium (space or mass)
Waves consist of oscillations or vibrations (of a physical quantity), around almost fixed locations.
Concepts illustrated in the simulations include student hands on tool kit to make waves using many devices line up.
There is also a mathematically generated wave to support students' ideas on wave.
In recognition of their contribution towards innovation, we have provided e-Certificate(s) for all winners [please see attached folder(s)

We would like to encourage you to celebrate and recognise the accomplishments of your staff at suitable platforms in your division (e.g. staff meetings).
Thank you very much for your strong support, and we look forward to your division’s continuous contribution towards innovation in MOE! J
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