

Many thanks to the UNESCO editorial team for their writeup!
I am very glad to share this piece of news from UNESCO.
I would like to thank 
  • Yap Boon Chien for his interview and photo with UNESCO for the use of my simulations and his real world experimental setup!
  • Theresa Heng for her primary 1 and 2 simulation ideas so we can cover grade 1 and 2 also well now
For info pls and hope the news brightens our journey ahead!

Dear Prize winners,

The Unit for Technology and AI in education is delighted to inform you that the publication ‘Innovative use of technology in education: winning projects of UNESCO’s King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize’ has been published.

You can access it on UNESCO’s website here:

We would like to thank all of you for your time, contribution and engagement throughout the whole process.

Please send us your postal address if you wish to receive a hard copy of the publication.

Once again, thank you very much for your collaboration.

Best wishes,
On behalf of the Unit for Technology and AI in education


Table of contents

Winners from 2015 to 2020
Open Source Physics @ Singapore (2015): Free global ICT tools for the interactive teaching 36
and learning of physics, mathematics and more.



Open Source Physics @ Singapore

Figure 1. Simulation of the effects of forces through a virtual lab 42
Figure 2. Studying the effects of forces using a physical model 42
Figure 3. Simulation of an elliptical orbit 42



National Program of Educational Informatics
Omar Dengo Foundation
Costa Rica
Open Source Physics @ Singapore
Ministry of Education



from 2015 to 2020
National Program of Educational Informatics
Open Source Physics @ Singapore
Digital Schools
Kiron Campus
Connected Learning Initiative
ThingLink Visual Learning Technology
Can’t Wait to Learn
Letrus Writing Skills Program
One College Student Per Village

just realised grade 1 to 12, due to some of my Primary 1 and 2 Math interactives




Open Source Physics @ Singapore (OSP@SG)1 is a national government-run programme to give learners the experience of visualization and experimentation, mostly in physics and mathematics courses. It was awarded the 2015 Prize in recognition of its innovation, sustainability and positive impact in the provision of teaching and learning opportunities via tools plugged into the programme platform (the Easy JavaScript Simulation toolkitand Tracker video analysis and modelling tool).3 Moreover, OSP@SG was included in UNESCO’s (2016) Directory of Free Educational Resources for Teachers: Science.
The emphasis on learning in the mainstream Singaporean school context is focused on close adherence to fostering success in examinations. However, this method does not necessarily facilitate deep understanding of concepts. OSP@SG is an innovative method to provide more learner-directed concept acquisition while also allowing greater flexibility and adaptation in teaching. The open-source tools utilized by OSP@SG are freely available and customizable. This enables sharing and iterative improvements in the digital tools themselves, along with continuous innovation, efficient delivery, sustainability, and even greater impact.
OSP@SG partners with individuals as well as academics to power the variety of software tools catalogued on the Joomla content management system. The creative commons licence CC-BY-NC-SA4 permits the creation of model simulations and visualizations by anyone, but most are provided courtesy of the teams behind Open Source Physics (OSP) and Easy Java / JavaScript Simulations (EJSS), Tracker video analysis and modelling and open source code available for adjusting the simulation and video models. While there is no formal agreement between OSP and OSP@SG, the open educational resource (OER) and creative commons licensing enables reciprocal use of resources developed by the respective OSP members for world-wide benefits.

Why selected

OSP@SG was selected for the Prize because of the following features:
• It is an innovative OER tool for learning physics and other subjects including mathematics and science, using an open platform, open-source code and open content.
• The platform works in a collaborative way so that students and teachers can provide adaptable resources for better teaching and learning.
• It strengthens the flow of ideas from teachers to classrooms and fosters collaboration between schools,
government and industry.
• It is easily scalable to the global community, as the tools and content are available worldwide.
Why selected


While computer simulations are used in a wide range of fields and can augment traditional physics and mathematics lessons to improve students’ understanding, most other freely available simulations are made for universities and other more specialized educational contexts rather than schools. Thus, even if these simulations are used in lessons at primary and secondary level, the resulting learning experience may not be very coherent.


Free resources and simulation software allow students to experiment with model-building and testing of hypotheses to improve their learning and understanding. Access requires only a device (mobile, computer, or tablet) and internet access. Offline access is possible via the ‘download model’ option on the OSP@SG website.


• Approximately 9,800 learners and 300 teachers in Singapore
• 360,000 installations of the app globally


• Students report deeper learning.
• Schools report positive impacts on classroom practice.
• More than 800 OERs have been created by the OSP@SG community.
• Teachers have created 18 educational games.
• Computer simulation and video modelling were integrated into the national curriculum teaching guide for advanced-level physics.


• Some teachers struggle to recognize the value in adopting the computer simulation and video modelling style of teaching promoted by OSP@SG as it does not follow the customary exam preparation format.
• The resources that are created sometimes need further revision after being presented in the classroom.
• Not all students have the prerequisite knowledge needed to make optimal use of computer simulation
programs and video analysis and modelling.



Profile: Implementing agency

The Ministry of Education (MOE)5 directs and controls educational policy in government and government-assisted schools and colleges in Singapore. The Educational Technology Division (ETD) within the MOE is responsible for the strategic plan for ICT in 21st century learning, alongside the integration and deeper use of digital technologies. In addition, the ETD oversees the ICT Masterplan in Education. With funding from the National Research Foundation (NRF)6 and the Prime Minister’s Office, the ETD ran the EduLab Programme, which piloted the creation of scalable resources for use nationwide.
With advances in technology and its ubiquitous availability, education is positioned to reap the benefits of open-source creations. At the same time, meeting the needs of learners while providing requisite skills development for the 21st century is a challenge which must be addressed. OSP@SG tackles this challenge through the use of OERs to introduce students to physics concepts through computer simulation (EJSS) and video modelling (Tracker).
OSP@SG provides teacher training, lesson planning and additional resources for the use of computer simulation models in science and mathematics. Teachers introduce concepts using both physical laboratory and computer models, and students in small groups then have the opportunity to manipulate various parameters such as weight, distance or time in the simulation and observe changes to outcomes based on these shifts. The results that they produce are aggregated through Google Form inputs to display curves or other graphical representations of changes.
The use of OSP@SG creates efficiencies and allows for deeper curriculum coverage. Teachers spend less time preparing real-life physical setups of different scenarios to demonstrate effects, and due to the aggregation of data, trends emerge with fewer iterations of the experiment per student group. Further, encouraging learners to create hypotheses and then build and test models to prove them deepens their learning experience.
Interview with OSP@SG representative
Source: Open Source Physics @ Singapore (2021)

Interview with OSP@SG representative

With advances in technology and its ubiquitous availability, education is positioned to reap the benefits of open-source creations. At the same time, meeting the needs of learners while providing requisite skills development for the 21st century is a challenge which must be addressed. OSP@SG tackles this challenge through the use of OERs to introduce students to physics concepts through computer simulation (EJSS) and video modelling (Tracker).
OSP@SG provides teacher training, lesson planning and additional resources for the use of computer simulation models in science and mathematics. Teachers introduce concepts using both physical laboratory and computer models, and students in small groups then have the opportunity to manipulate various parameters such as weight, distance or time in the simulation and observe changes to outcomes based on these shifts. The results that they produce are aggregated through Google Form inputs to display curves or other graphical representations of changes.
The use of OSP@SG creates efficiencies and allows for deeper curriculum coverage. Teachers spend less time preparing real-life physical setups of different scenarios to demonstrate effects, and due to the aggregation of data, trends emerge with fewer iterations of the experiment per student group. Further, encouraging learners to create hypotheses and then build and test models to prove them deepens their learning experience.
Interview with OSP@SG representative
Source: Open Source Physics @ Singapore (2021)




With a 99.8 per cent total net enrolment rate at primary school level and 99.95 per cent for upper secondary, Singapore does not face significant challenges in terms of access to education. Students in Singapore consistently outperform their counterparts in OECD countries in various international benchmarking tests such as the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) (NCEE, n.d.).
The public school system in Singapore consists of six years of compulsory primary schooling, four to
six years of secondary school, and one to three years of post-secondary education delivered at junior
colleges. The secondary level, which is diversified into both academic streams and technical and vocational courses, is competed by 96.7 per cent of students.
With five streams, multiple pathways of advancement, and durations that vary between one and six years, Singapore post-primary education system can be described as complex, flexible and highly articulated.7 All levels of education are primarily supported by the state, which plays a leading role in developing and implementing the system (NCEE, n.d.).
Under the mandates of the National and MOE ICT Masterplans, schools are provided with digital devices and internet access. This includes at least three computer laboratories per school, with each lab
receiving about 40 computers. Increasingly, schools have also utilized government funding to purchase
tablets. Teachers are also given laptops and a budget to purchase personalized digital devices, and students from low-income families can borrow devices through a government loan programme or receive subsidies for devices and connectivity.
Therefore, it is unsurprising that both massive open and online courses (MOOCs) and OERs have gained popularity in Singapore, with governmental and higher education institutions investing in making resources more widely accessible through these formats (Lim et al., 2017).\
7 Articulation refers to the ability of learners to move between degrees and educational offerings. Highly articulated means that there are many pathways between different levels of education.

Educational challenges

The rate at which students graduate from first degree programmes in tertiary education is high, but has
incrementally decreased from 58.8 per cent in 2016 to 53.8 per cent in 2018. The percentage of university students graduating from science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programmes also decreased from 34.9 per cent in 2017 to 33.5 per cent in 2018 (UIS, 2021). As a result, there is a particular shortage of both human capital and cross-functional skills in the electronics and electrical engineering sectors – the largest component of Singapore's manufacturing base
(EDB Singapore, 2021).
At the same time as indicators of technical skill levels in Singapore show such decreases, there is a worldwide recognition that the demands of the labour market are shifting towards higher skills. This is due in large part to the role of technological innovation, and education has a key role to play in reducing skills gaps and upskilling both current and future workforces to meet demand (Liao et al., 2018; Shiohira and Dale-Jones, 2019). In Singapore, the introduction of computer simulations is one way of addressing the skills shortage and acts as a mechanism for future-proofing the workforce and economy.

The role of computer simulations

According to Winsberg (2019), a computer simulation can be narrowly defined as a program run on a digital device to explore a mathematical model. More broadly, it can be seen as a process for studying systems, comprised of ‘choosing a model; finding a way of implementing that model in a form that can be run on a computer; calculating the output of the algorithm; and visualizing and studying the resultant data’.
This technique emerged after World War II as a way to study nuclear physics, and was quickly taken up by other disciplines such as meteorology, where it is used for weather forecasting and climate modelling (Giere, 2009).
Today, the fields which exploit computer simulation models also include many branches of physics, biology, engineering, economics, medicine and sociology (Winsberg, 2019). These simulations allow researchers to replicate and project real-world events without having to physically create the necessary conditions, which could be costly, dangerous, slow, illegal and/or impossible (de Freitas, 2007). For example, computer modelling can be used to study the results of climate change, the spread of contagions, and the effects of motor-vehicle accidents under different conditions (e.g. speed, angle of
impact). Given this widespread use, Christian et al. (2011, p. 1077) ask a critical question: ‘Why does computer based modelling remain absent from many educational programmes?’


…with the [OSP@SG<a< a=""> href=""></a<>" style="color: rgb(0, 158, 184); font-family: "Helvetica Neue Light", HelveticaNeue-Light, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; outline: none; text-decoration: none; transition: color 0.3s ease 0s; display: inline; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">Figure 1. Simulation of the effects of forces through a virtual lab
© UNESCO/Ministry of Education, Singapore Open Access
Community gallery SLS Password
Figure 2. Studying the effects of forces using a physical model
Figure 2. Studying the effects of forces using a physical model
© UNESCO/Ministry of Education, Singapore

The results achieved by different groups of students can be aggregated in a collaborative online form, creating larger datasets which are used for data visualizations such as trend lines that illustrate the relationships between variables. Additionally, simulations allow students to explore phenomena that cannot be contained in a classroom, for example, elliptical orbits (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Simulation of an elliptical orbit

OSP@SG seeks to enable teachers and students to become co-designers and owners of customized digital resources, rather than passive receivers of digital content. They can explore and edit tools and use models to visualize physics concepts such as projectile motion (e.g. the trajectory of a ball thrown into the air). These allow students to form and test hypotheses and juxtapose their models against live videos of the same phenomenon on the platform (Wee et al., 2012).
Researchers and education specialists can also access the platform, driving partnerships that encourage the further development and dissemination of OERs and helping to maintain the high quality and relevance of the resources available.


OSP@SG is based on the National Science Curriculum of Singapore, and is designed for use by students in grades 1(thanks to Theresa Heng for Primary 1 and 2 simulation ideas)3  to 12, including TVET learners in grades 7 to 12, who are studying science and physics. It covers key topics such as energy, kinematics, circular motion and dynamics. OSP@SG is used during normal curriculum hours, with learner-to-teacher ratios of 20:1 for grades 3 to 10 and 25:2 for grades 11 and 12.
With the support of teachers, learners investigate questions, record data sets, analyse information, interpret results and communicate findings. The platform is accessible on most devices to any teacher or student at any location with an internet connection.
As an open and web-based platform, OSP@SG accommodates informal learning spaces such as
computer laboratories, lecture theatres, homes or even buses and trains. Learning can take place via internet chat groups as well.
OSP@SG utilizes four components contributed by academics who are also software entrepreneurs:
  1. Open Source Physics (OSP) created by Wolfgang Christian (Davidson College, United States) under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation. The OSP project collection contains curriculum resources for physics, computation and computer modelling.
  2. 02 Easy Java / JavaScript Simulations (EJSS), created by Francisco Esquembre (University of Murcia, Spain), which allows users to create Java programs with minimal programming knowledge.
  3. 03 Tracker, created by Douglas Brown (Cabrillo College, United States). Based on the OSP Java code library, it is an image and video analysis package and modelling tool that allows for object tracking with position, velocity and acceleration overlays and graphs.8
  4. 04 The NTNU Virtual Laboratory, created by Fu-Kwun Hwang (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Province, China). It has a collection of more than 1,000 Java simulations of physics related topics.9
8 For more information on OSP, EJSS and Tracker, see https://www.compadre.
10 For more information, see
OSP@SG further supports the embedding of simulations into any learning platform, and a catalogue of simulations and Tracker resources uses Joomla!, a free and open-source content management system.10 Through a creative commons attribution licence, all materials including the source codes are publicly accessible and adaptable. This allows for both customization required to meet a specific teacher’s needs and adjustments to fit the prescribed curriculum.
Teachers are supported through annual workshops which provide training on both using and contributing to OSP@SG. They learn to generate simulations and use pedagogical practices involving collaborative science inquiry, including guided inquiry, modelling, visualization and collaborative discussion (Kwan and Wee, 2015).
These can supplement regular classroom instruction for deeper understanding. Through the platform, teachers have access to a collaborative network of active users worldwide and can access resources such as learner-centred worksheets and Google sharing sites.
As part of this community, teachers may upload their own customized OERs and thus improve their own competencies and skills by developing original, relevant teaching material.


The programme leverages government support, school leadership, and international scholars focused on simulations, to ensure strong delivery. It draws from the work of a broader OSP community, with the aforementioned experts Francisco Esquembre, Fu-Kwun Hwang, Wolfgang Christian and Douglas Brown involved in developing the platform’s components. The Singapore MOE employs a lead specialist whose extensive knowledge sustains the programme. Additional experts and teachers are deployed to create, share and update materials and resources.
OSP@SG also leverages government policy, particularly the ICT Masterplans, under which Singapore’s MOE contributes hardware and internet connectivity to all schools. Furthermore, OSP@SG was one of the EduLab programmes funded by the NRF. These focused on giving teachers, researchers and MOE officials resources to develop digital technologies that could be adopted across the Singaporean school system.11 Some teacher training was delivered at Edulab workshops run by the Academy of Singapore Teachers, which concentrated on basic digital capacity as well as using the simulation software. With EduLab funding concluded, OSP@SG is now financed via the MOE’s ‘senior specialist track research funding’ (SSTRF) grants. However, other related
EduLab projects continue to contribute to OSP@SG,
including the following:
  • • Java Simulation Design for Teaching and Learning,12 which focuses on using simulation modelling in classrooms and is currently being adapted into JavaScript HTML5 so that it is able to run on any mobile or computer browser;
  • • the modelling-inquiry-enabled Interactive Textbook,13 which is used in schools and available on iBook, Playbook and Kindle Store for junior college students, and allows students to conduct inquiry experiments and mathematical modelling using simulated data; and
  • • Becoming Scientists through Video Analysis (2014- 15),14 which is being used in schools for performance tasks and computer lab activities.
Support from school leadership is critical for successful engagement in the required professional development and teaching strategies used in the OSP@SG programme. Opportunities for the pilot were created by school leaders who set aside the time required, created a common vision in schools and provided strategic direction to build the capacity of teachers.

Monitoring and evaluation

Learning outcomes are assessed through pre and posttests using Google Forms. Other feedback is gathered through surveys of users and face-to-face interviews with students. These include reflection surveys with which teachers and students indicate areas of the platform and/ or content that need improvement.
Because OSP@SG was one of the EduLab programmes, its implementation was monitored by structures within the MOE and ETD as well as by the EduLab Programme Office, who held quarterly meetings to monitor its progress. The MOE provided guidance and tracked the development of OSP@SG. Within the ETD, a Deputy Director and Assistant Director together with a design team evaluated the programme’s inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes/impacts. In addition, the EduLab Programme Office received yearly reports which reflected on the achievements, experiences and insights from the project delivery. An EduLab steering committee, consisting of senior management from the MOE and experts from the National Institute of Education (NIE), evaluated the project’s funding, progress and final report.
When funding for EduLab ended in 2019, OSP@SG was integrated into the portfolio of a lead specialist in the ETD and no longer has a formalized monitoring or tracking mechanism. However, OSP@SG outputs are currently monitored, as it is one of the funded projects of the SSTRF.


While there has not been a large-scale controlled study on OSP@SG, its monitoring reports, pre- and post-tests, and expanding implementation suggest positive results.
The use of OSP@SG has consistently grown since its launch in 2012 at five schools. By 2015, it was being used in 12 Singaporean schools by approximately 9,800 learners and 100 teachers. As of 2020, nearly 800 OERs had been created through OSP@SG, and the website attracted an average of 30,000 visitors per month from around the world. The work of OSP@SG was recognized yearly at the national level with awards for best innovation and excellent service from 2011 to 2020.
A summary by the NRF (Wee, 2015) reported that the initiative generated the following findings:
  1. 01 Teachers were more effective in their teaching of difficult concepts.
  2. 02 Through variations in implementation, teachers were able to customize the programme to fit different school contexts and curriculum needs.
  3. 03 Sustainable practices were established as the OERs were used across different EduLab projects and were not confined to OSP@SG.
  4. 04 The roles of teachers and students with regard to technology shifted so teachers moved towards facilitation and students increased their agency.
  5. 05 Through mentorship by teachers, students learned more about the scientific process and developed inquiry skills.
  6. 06 Interviews conducted with students (Open Source Physics EJSS Tracker, 2013), suggest that OSP@SG made a deep and sustainable impact on students’ learning experiences.
In addition, OSP@SG research has generated 10 peer reviewed articles. Their findings demonstrate that using OSP@SG to teach multiple subjects can strengthen students’ conceptual knowledge in relevant curriculum topics (see for example, Wee et al., 2012; Wee et al., 2015).


The NRF found that one of the challenges in terms of implementing the programme was a lack of guidance for teachers, insufficient resource testing, and limitations in prerequisite knowledge. Firstly, discussions indicated that not all teachers were comfortable using computers and Tracker software, and some felt they needed more development to conduct the planned lessons well (Wee, 2015). Additionally, the modeling skills advanced by OSP@SG are difficult to showcase in a school culture focused on examinations. As a result, it is challenging to get teachers to recognize the value of adopting the OSP@SG style of teaching and learning.
Secondly, the resources created on OSP@SG such as worksheets and models often go through a development trajectory in which they are tested by creators, the first actual trial of the lessons occurs in the classroom. This can result in difficulties surfacing while the resources are already being used by the students (Wee et al., 2015). Lastly, some tools related to Easy JavaScript Simulation modelling remain a challenge for students, and are used more by teachers to make their own interactive games or simulations, rather than in classroom practice.

Further developments

Since winning the Prize in 2015, OSP@SG has evolved to include game creation, mobile-ready apps and the use of analytics. Existing simulations on the platform can now be modified by teachers to create games for students, and simulations have been repackaged as hybrid apps15 for use with iOS and Android mobile devices. Since 2017, there have been 360,000 installations of the OSP@SG app across Android and iOS platforms, and 200 teachers per year attend sharing sessions. A Moodle Learning Management System plugin was developed to allow teachers to monitor and analyse students’ use of the simulations in real time.
The OSP@SG programme has influenced the national syllabus and teaching guide for advanced physics, which now includes video analysis and modelling and encourages the use of Tracker software. The simulation library has expanded to include subjects such as biology, chemistry, Chinese, English, art, physical sciences and civic education.16 In addition, 28 source codes in Easy JavaScript Simulation were prototyped and submitted to the Partnership for Integrating Computation into Undergraduate Physics in the United States, through which educators can examine the differences between, and value of, various computing languages (including Python, Glowscript and Spreadsheets) in developing computational thinking. A total of 15 primary-level mathematics interactives were also prototyped. Lessons and prototypes were co-developed with teachers for use in the Singapore Student Learning Space, an online platform that contains curriculum-aligned resources and tools,17 and 28 simulations were created for two interactive textbook chapters. The team is currently pursuing expansion across languages, potentially by utilizing Google Translate to change languages based on user choice or location.
Furthermore, 10 Easy JavaScript Simulations were adapted from a European project called MOSEM
for use in Singapore’s A-level physics classrooms. At university level, 42 simulations from the book Learning and Teaching Mathematics using Simulations – Plus 2000 Examples from Physics (Röss, 2011) were modernized so as to run on mobile platforms.
The user base has expanded to 300 teachers, some of whom have also formed an informal group of EJSS game developers and Tracker video modellers who contribute to the open-source physics repository. To support this type of initiative, a hackathon was organized by the MOE in 2019 and provided a space for teachers to modify existing simulations as part of game creation. This resulted in 18 educational games being produced by teachers. The professional development of teachers has been fostered through resource sharing in workshops and work attachments,18 and an annual four-day event held in collaboration with the developers of the Easy Java / JavaScript Simulation tool and OSP creator Wolfgang Christian.19
15 Hybrid apps are built using a combination of platform-specific technology (such as Swift for iOS) and web technologies such as HTML or Javascript. Their purpose is to allow a mobile app to display web content like a website.
19 Information in this section is drawn from OSP@SG’s submissions to UNESCO in 2019.

Impact of the Prize

The UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize contributed to the development of new content and digital resources, including adapting OSP@SG for mobile apps, introducing gamification and adding learning analytics. Winning the prize also increased the building of capacity among teachers, educators and community members using the platform, resulting in an informal resource development group and sessions organized by the MOE. Teachers are also now more willing to use simulations and plan experiences around them, supporting the effective learning of mathematics and physics while also fostering enjoyment of these subjects.
Receiving the prize further assisted with disseminating the MOE and ETD’s work on and support for OSP@SG to a wider audience. Coverage and promotion by UNESCO and local news media provided a boost for the project.
This in turn fostered goodwill locally, encouraging teachers to be more willing to access OSP@SG and use the platform’s simulations and worksheets.
Since being given the Prize, OSP@SG has received a number of further awards:20
• the Gold Innergy Award in 2016, 2017, and 2019;
• the Bronze Innergy Award in 2019; and
• the Excellence in Physics Education Award from the American Physical Society in 2020.21
21 Information in this section and the Implementation section is drawn from OSP@SG’s (2015) application to the UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICT in Education, and its response to UNESCO’s follow-up survey from 2019.


  1. Christian, W., Esquembre, F. and Barbato, L. 2011. Open source physics. Science, Vol. 334, No. 6059. Washington, D.C., American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), pp. 1077-1078. Available at: (Accessed 13 January 2022.)
  2. de Freitas, S. I. 2007. Using games and simulations for supporting learning. Learning, Media and Technology, Vol. 31, No. 4. Milton Park, Taylor & Francis, pp. 343–358.
  3. EDB Singapore. 2021. Monthly Manufacturing Performance – April 2021. Singapore, Economic Development Board (EDB) Singapore. Available at: (Accessed 11 June 2021.)
  4. Giere, R. N., 2009. Is Computer Simulation Changing the Face of Experimentation? Philosophical Studies, Vol. 143. London, Springer Nature, pp. 59–62.
  5. Kwan, L. and Wee, L. K. 2015. A Case Study of Open Source Physics (OSP) Learning Community (LC). New York, arXiv:1508.05197. Available at: (Accessed 13 January 2022.)
  6. Liao, Y., Loures, E. R., Deschamps, F., Brezinski, G. and Venâncio, A. 2018. The impact of the fourth industrial revolution: a cross-country/region comparison. Production, Vol. 28. Rio de Janeiro, Production. Available at: (Accessed 7 January 2022.)
  7. Lim, F., Wee, L. K., Ng, S and Teo, J. 2017. Massive Open and Online Courses and Open Education Resources in Singapore. New York, arXiv:1708.08743. Available at: (Accessed 13 January 2022.)
  8. NCEE. n.d. Singapore: Learning Systems. Washington, D.C., National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE). Available at: (Accessed 7 January 2022.)
  9. Open Source Physics @ Singapore. 2015. Application: UNESCO-King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the use of ICT in education 2015. Singapore, Open Source Physics @ Singapore. Unpublished (Submitted to UNESCO).––––. 2021. Survey for UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICT in Education Prize Winners. Singapore, Open Source Physics @ Singapore. Unpublished (Submitted to UNESCO).
  10. Röss, D. 2011. Learning and Teaching Mathematics using Simulations – Plus 2000 Examples from Physics. Berlin, De Gruyter. 
  11. Shishira K. and Dale-Jones, B. 2019. Interoperable data ecosystems: An international review to inform a South African innovation. Johannesburg, JET Education Services and Johannesburg, merSETA. Available at: (Accessed 12 January 2022.)
  12. UIS. 2021. UIS Statistics. Montreal, UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). Available at: (Accessed 7 January 2022.)
  13. UNESCO. 2016. Directory of Free Educational Resources for Teachers: Science. Bangkok, UNESCO Bangkok.
  14. Wee, L. K. 2015. Final Report NRF2011-EDU001-EL001. Singapore, Open Source Physics @ Singapore (Easy JavaScript Simulation and Tracker) and TagUI (AI-Singapore). Available at: (Accessed 13 January 2022.)
  15. Wee, L. K., Chew, C., Goh, G. H., Tan, S. and Lee, T. L. 2012. Using Tracker as a pedagogical tool for understanding projectile motion. Physics Education, Vol. 47, No. 4. Bristol, IOP Publishing, p. 448.
  16. Wee, L. K., Tan, K. K., Leong, T. K. and Tan, C. 2015. Using Tracker to understand ‘toss up’ and free fall motion: a case study. Physics Education, Vol. 50, No. 4. Bristol, IOP Publishing, p. 436.
  17. Winsberg, E. 2019. Computer simulations in science. E. N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Winter 2019 Edition. Stanford, Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Available at: (Accessed 2 June 2022.)