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W. Christian

Briefing Document: Sound Waveforms JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model

1. Overview

This document provides a summary of the key aspects and context surrounding the "Sound Waveforms JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model," an interactive simulation tool hosted on the Open Educational Resources / Open Source Physics @ Singapore platform. This resource is designed to be used for educational purposes, specifically within physics education related to sound waves.

2. Main Themes & Key Ideas

  • Interactive Simulation: The core of the resource is a JavaScript HTML5 applet, providing an interactive simulation of sound waveforms. This implies a focus on visual learning and hands-on exploration of sound wave properties.
  • Open Educational Resource (OER): This applet is explicitly an OER, meaning it's intended to be freely accessible and reusable for educational purposes. This is reflected in the platform's mission.
  • Accessibility: The resource is designed to work across various platforms, including "Android/iOS including handphones/Tablets/iPads" and "ChromeBook Laptops", suggesting a focus on broad accessibility for students with varying devices.
  • Educational Focus: The simulation is explicitly categorized under the "Physics," "Waves," and "Sound" sections, indicating its use in formal educational settings, particularly at the secondary and junior college levels.
  • EasyJavaScriptSimulation: The applet is built using "EasyJavaScriptSimulation," suggesting a user-friendly approach to modeling and simulation. This helps create more simulation resources without having to write lines of computer code. The resource has roots in Easy Java Simulation, a tool designed to allow educators to create simulations without requiring high level coding skills.
  • Embedding Capability: The model can be embedded within web pages via an <iframe> tag, facilitating easy integration into online learning platforms and resources.
  • Community and Collaboration: The surrounding content indicates a vibrant community of educators involved in creating and sharing OER resources. Many workshops, talks, and collaborations with different institutions are mentioned, including:
  • Workshops with titles such as "Designing Open Source Computer Models for Physics by Inquiry using Easy Java Simulation," "ICT Resources for Teaching Energy," and "Modelling With Physics Simulations"
  • Collaboration with educational bodies in Singapore and institutions such as the Science Centre.
  • Many events for Teacher Training.
  • Technological Advancement: The numerous mentions of HTML5, JavaScript, and WebGL suggest a focus on modern web technologies for creating educational simulations.
  • Wide Range of Resources: This particular sound waveform simulation is just one among many, this website contains a vast number of resources such as: "Magnetic Field From Loop SImulator JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5", "Simple Electric Circuit JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5" and "Doppler Effect Sound Wave JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model". There are also many math resources available.
  • Open Source: The use of the Open Source Physics (OSP) platform suggests a commitment to free and accessible resources, and emphasizes the platform's core goal of providing "Open Source Computer Models for Physics."
  • Recognition and Awards: The platform and its resources have received recognition, as shown by mentions such as "UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education," "Public Service 21 Distinguished Star Service Award 2014," and "Ministry of Education Outstanding Innovator Award 2013."

3. Important Facts

  • Platform: Open Educational Resources / Open Source Physics @ Singapore
  • Resource Type: Interactive JavaScript HTML5 Simulation Applet.
  • Subject Area: Physics (Sound Waves)
  • Target Audience: Secondary and Junior College students.
  • Technology: EasyJavaScriptSimulation, HTML5, JavaScript
  • Accessibility: Supports Android/iOS devices, Chromebooks, and desktop browsers.
  • Licensing: The contents are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Singapore License.

4. Key Quotes

  • No direct quotes from within the applet itself were provided. However the text provides the following relevant information: "Sound Waveforms JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model" - This describes the nature and purpose of the specific resource.
  • The site description mentions the use of: "EasyJavaSimulation" - This indicates the tool used to create this simulation and others.
  • The description includes: "Android/iOS including handphones/Tablets/iPads" and "ChromeBook Laptops" highlighting the compatibility with multiple devices.
  • "Open Educational Resources / Open Source Physics" - This reinforces the mission to provide free educational resources.

5. Conclusion

The "Sound Waveforms JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model" is an example of a high-quality, accessible, and interactive educational tool designed to enhance the learning experience in physics, specifically in the study of sound waves. The simulation's availability as an OER and its compatibility with various devices make it a valuable resource for both teachers and students. The resource is part of a much larger ecosystem dedicated to the development and sharing of open source physics models and educational resources. The platform itself demonstrates community engagement and technological sophistication.


Sound Wave Simulation Study Guide


Instructions: Answer each question in 2-3 complete sentences.

  1. What type of wave is a sound wave and how does the simulation model represent it?
  2. What are some of the platforms on which this simulation model can be used?
  3. According to the text, what is one of the purposes of using simulation tools like this?
  4. What does the reference to "Easy JavaScript Simulations" suggest about the design of this tool?
  5. Besides sound, what other physics topics are covered by simulations on this website?
  6. What is one of the target audiences for this sound wave simulation?
  7. What does the inclusion of translations indicate about the goals of the project?
  8. How does this simulation relate to the broader aims of Open Source Physics?
  9. What type of educational setting is this simulation designed to support?
  10. How does the text describe the various workshops and learning events that the developers have participated in?

Quiz Answer Key

  1. Sound waves are longitudinal waves, which means the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of the wave’s energy propagation. The simulation model represents this through a visual depiction of compressions and rarefactions in a medium.
  2. This simulation model can be used on various platforms including Android/iOS devices such as tablets and phones as well as on Chromebook laptops, indicating its wide accessibility.
  3. One purpose of using simulation tools like this is to foster inquiry-based learning in physics, allowing students to investigate concepts through experimentation and observation of the simulation.
  4. The reference to "Easy JavaScript Simulations" suggests that the tool is designed for ease of use and modification, possibly allowing for user-driven experimentation and customization of physics models, and to be more accessible to educators.
  5. Besides sound, this website has simulations covering topics such as electric fields, magnetic fields, simple harmonic motion, electromagnetism, and projectile motion, demonstrating a broad range of physics concepts.
  6. One of the target audiences for this sound wave simulation is students at the secondary and junior college levels, indicated by the tags associated with the model.
  7. The inclusion of translations indicates that the project aims to make the simulations more accessible and adaptable for use in diverse educational settings around the world.
  8. This simulation is aligned with the broader aims of Open Source Physics by providing free and customizable educational tools that enhance the teaching and learning of physics concepts.
  9. The simulation appears designed to support inquiry-based learning in classrooms.
  10. The text describes workshops as a means to show how to use and design open source computer models for physics as well as to facilitate conceptual learning.

Essay Questions

  1. Discuss the advantages and limitations of using simulations like the Sound Waveforms JavaScript HTML5 Applet in teaching and learning about sound waves compared to traditional methods, and how they might address some of the limitations.
  2. Analyze how the features of the provided simulation model align with the principles of effective physics education, such as active learning and inquiry-based instruction, giving concrete examples.
  3. How does the accessibility of this HTML5 simulation, across various platforms like Android and iOS, contribute to equity in science education, and what are the potential implications for students in diverse educational environments?
  4. Examine the role of open-source physics projects and collaborative development, as exemplified by this resource, in fostering innovation and accessibility in STEM education on a global scale, and how it affects the future of education.
  5. Considering the different simulation models offered by this website, explore the potential of combining various simulations in a multi-faceted approach to teaching physics, and the impact this may have on students' learning outcomes.


Applet: A small application, typically one that runs within a web browser.

HTML5: The latest evolution of the standard markup language for creating web pages, enabling the creation of richer and more interactive web content.

JavaScript: A programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers.

Longitudinal Wave: A wave in which the displacement of the medium is in the same direction as, or the opposite direction to, the direction of propagation of the wave, like sound waves.

Open Source Physics: A movement advocating for the free sharing of educational resources, including software and simulations, for the benefit of teaching and learning.

Simulation Model: A representation of a physical system or process, often simplified, used to study or teach about its behavior.

Inquiry-Based Learning: An educational approach that encourages students to ask questions, investigate, and solve problems, rather than simply memorizing facts.

Interactive Resource: A tool that allows users to manipulate and engage with information, typically through a computer or other electronic device.

Easy JavaScript Simulation (EJS): A software tool designed to create interactive simulations easily using JavaScript.

WebGL: A JavaScript API for rendering interactive 2D and 3D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins, allowing for more dynamic visual simulations.



Frequently Asked Questions About the Sound Waveforms JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model

  1. What is the Sound Waveforms JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model? The Sound Waveforms JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model is an interactive, web-based tool designed to simulate and visualize sound waves. It is built using JavaScript and HTML5, making it accessible on various devices including computers, tablets, and smartphones. This model is part of the Open Educational Resources / Open Source Physics @ Singapore initiative, aiming to provide educational resources for learning about sound and waves. It allows users to manipulate parameters and observe the resulting changes in the sound waveform.
  2. Who is the target audience for this simulation model? This simulation model is primarily intended for secondary school and junior college students studying physics, particularly those learning about sound and waves. It is also useful for educators as a teaching tool to demonstrate wave phenomena in an interactive way. The model is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to individuals with varying levels of technical expertise. Additionally, the model can be used on multiple platforms, making it useful for students using laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, and smartphones.
  3. How does this simulation model enhance the learning experience? The simulation enhances learning by providing a visual and interactive way to understand the abstract concepts of sound waves. Users can directly observe how different parameters like frequency, amplitude, and phase affect the shape of the waveform. This hands-on approach promotes deeper engagement and understanding compared to traditional methods, like textbooks, especially given that it is free and accessible via the web, as well as being usable on various devices.
  4. What technologies are used to create this simulation model? The simulation is built using JavaScript and HTML5. These technologies make it platform-agnostic, meaning it can run in any modern web browser without the need for additional plugins. This accessibility is a key feature, allowing students to use the model on various devices like Android/iOS phones and tablets, Chromebooks, and laptops. The core technology is based on EasyJavaScriptSimulation.
  5. Is the simulation part of a larger educational project? Yes, the Sound Waveforms Simulation is part of a broader initiative, Open Educational Resources / Open Source Physics @ Singapore. This initiative produces many educational tools and resources, as demonstrated by the long list of projects which include interactive models and simulations for subjects like electromagnetism, kinematics, and mechanics. This project aims to leverage open-source tools to enhance science education. It is tied into the work of Easy JavaScript Simulations (EJS).
  6. Can I use the simulation for my teaching or learning purposes? Absolutely. The simulation is explicitly designed for educational purposes. It can be embedded into web pages, used in classrooms, or accessed individually by students for self-learning. The model and similar resources from Open Educational Resources / Open Source Physics @ Singapore, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Singapore License, which permits sharing and adaptation for non-commercial use as long as proper attribution is provided. For commercial use of the EasyJavaScriptSimulations library, there are separate conditions.
  7. Where can I find other similar resources from the project? The project website has a large number of resources, these are linked directly on the same page, as well as the "breadcrumbs" at the top of the page that allow you to navigate to higher categories of resources. These can include resources on topics as wide-ranging as mechanics, electromagnetism, chemistry, and mathematics. The project also hosts various workshops and events for educators to learn how to integrate these tools into their teaching practices. This is reflected in the variety of workshops and talks that are described in the text above.
  8. Who developed the Sound Waveforms JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model, and where is the original code stored? The simulation was developed by W. Christian. The specific version of the code linked in the source is at This location is part of the larger Open Source Physics project, which provides physics simulations and teaching resources.
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