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Wolfgang Christian

Briefing Document: Student Learning Space Two Source Ripple Tank JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model

Document Purpose: This document provides a summary and analysis of the "Student Learning Space Two Source Ripple Tank JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model" resource available on the Open Educational Resources / Open Source Physics @ Singapore website. It highlights key features, potential educational applications, and related resources.

Source: Excerpts from "Student Learning Space Two Source Ripple Tank JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model - Open Educational Resources / Open Source Physics @ Singapore" (

Main Themes and Important Ideas/Facts:

  1. Interactive Simulation: The core of this resource is a JavaScript HTML5 applet simulating a two-source ripple tank. This allows students to visualize and interact with wave phenomena. The model is embeddable:
  • "Embed this model in a webpage: "
  1. Superposition Principle: The simulation directly addresses the principle of superposition, a fundamental concept in wave physics. This allows users to observe the constructive and destructive interference patterns created by two wave sources.
  2. Open Educational Resource (OER): The resource is part of a larger collection of OER from Open Source Physics @ Singapore, indicating a commitment to free and accessible educational materials. The site uses a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Singapore License.
  3. Student Learning Space (SLS) Integration: The title mentions "Student Learning Space," suggesting that this simulation is designed for use within the Singapore Ministry of Education's online learning platform.
  4. Accessibility and Compatibility: The use of JavaScript HTML5 ensures broad compatibility across different devices and browsers, making it accessible to a wide range of students.
  5. Wolfgang Christian Credit: Wolfgang Christian is listed in the credits which may signal quality or certain design choices.
  6. Related Resources: There is a long list of related resources which cover a wide area of physics and mathematics.

Potential Educational Applications:

  • Visualizing Wave Interference: Students can manipulate parameters within the simulation (e.g., frequency, source separation) to observe the resulting changes in the interference pattern.
  • Conceptual Understanding: The interactive nature of the simulation promotes a deeper understanding of the superposition principle than static diagrams or textbook descriptions.
  • Inquiry-Based Learning: The simulation can be used as a starting point for inquiry-based activities where students explore the relationship between wave parameters and interference patterns.
  • Classroom Demonstrations: Teachers can use the simulation for live demonstrations during lectures or tutorials.
  • Remote Learning: The embeddable nature of the simulation makes it ideal for use in remote learning environments.

Related Resources (from the list):

The document lists many related resources, including:

  • Other wave simulations (e.g., Sound Wave Longitudinal Wave JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model, Wave Superposition JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model).
  • Simulations covering various physics topics (e.g., electromagnetism, mechanics, optics).
  • Math related tools and simulations (e.g. Comparing Fractions JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model, Volume of Pyramid in 3D WebGL JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model).
  • Tools for teachers (Revolutionizing Web Simulation Deployment: Introducing the Advanced Simulation File Upload and Zip App for Student Learning Space Media Upload as Interactive).


The "Student Learning Space Two Source Ripple Tank JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model" is a valuable OER for teaching and learning about wave superposition. Its interactive nature, accessibility, and integration with the SLS platform make it a useful tool for both teachers and students. The extensive list of related simulations and resources further enhances its value within a broader physics and mathematics curriculum.

Wave Superposition Study Guide

Short Answer Quiz

  1. What type of wave phenomenon is the Two Source Ripple Tank simulation designed to demonstrate?
  2. Who is credited with the development of the Two Source Ripple Tank JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model?
  3. Besides English, what other aspect of language is supported in this resource?
  4. What are some related simulation topics available on the OER/OSP Singapore website?
  5. What does HTML5 technology provide for web applications like the Two Source Ripple Tank simulation?
  6. What is superposition, in the context of waves?
  7. How is the Two Source Ripple Tank simulation model related to the Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS)?
  8. Can this model be embedded into a webpage? How?
  9. What type of license applies to the content provided by Open Educational Resources / Open Source Physics @ Singapore?
  10. What are some examples of the diverse range of topics covered by the applets and simulations on this website?

Short Answer Quiz - Answer Key

  1. The simulation is designed to demonstrate wave superposition, specifically the interference patterns created by two coherent sources.
  2. Wolfgang Christian is credited with the development of the Two Source Ripple Tank JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model.
  3. The website supports translations into other languages, as suggested by the "Translations" section and the presence of code/language/translator/run links.
  4. Related simulation topics include Vector Components, Resultant Displacement, Current in Series and Parallel Circuits, Charge Moving in 3D in Electric and Magnetic Force, Force vs Time Collision Carts, Momentum vs Time Collision Carts, Voltage in a circuit, circuits and much more.
  5. HTML5 provides cross-platform compatibility, enhanced multimedia support, and improved interactivity for web applications.
  6. Superposition is the principle that when two or more waves overlap in a medium, the resultant disturbance at any point is the sum of the disturbances due to each individual wave.
  7. The Two Source Ripple Tank simulation model is available through the Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS), an online platform used by the Ministry of Education, but it is password protected after 2021.
  8. Yes, the model can be embedded into a webpage using the provided iframe code.
  9. The content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Singapore License.
  10. The website covers a wide range of topics including physics (waves, circuits, electromagnetism, kinematics, dynamics, energy, optics), math (fractions, symmetry, geometry), biology (transpiration, photosynthesis), chemistry (titration, acids and bases), and various interactive games and tools for different educational levels.

Essay Questions

  1. Discuss the advantages of using interactive simulations, like the Two Source Ripple Tank model, in teaching physics concepts such as wave superposition. How do these simulations enhance student understanding compared to traditional teaching methods?
  2. Analyze the role of Open Educational Resources (OER) in democratizing access to educational tools and content. Using the OER/OSP Singapore website as an example, discuss the potential impact of OER on education, particularly in resource-constrained environments.
  3. Explain the principle of wave superposition and its real-world applications. How does the Two Source Ripple Tank simulation model help students visualize and understand this phenomenon?
  4. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of simulations as learning tools, considering both their potential benefits and limitations. What are some strategies for maximizing the educational value of simulations in the classroom?
  5. Discuss the role of technology and AI in education, referencing examples from the provided text, like the Young Physicists' Tournament Timer or AI-enhanced literacy tools. What are some future possibilities of technology integration in educational settings?

Glossary of Key Terms

  • Superposition: The principle that when two or more waves overlap in a medium, the resultant disturbance at any point is the sum of the disturbances due to each individual wave.
  • Ripple Tank: A shallow tank of water used to demonstrate wave phenomena, particularly interference and diffraction.
  • JavaScript: A programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers.
  • HTML5: The latest version of Hypertext Markup Language, used to structure and present content on the web, enabling multimedia and interactive features.
  • Applet: A small application, often written in Java or JavaScript, that runs within a web browser.
  • Simulation: A computer-based model that mimics a real-world process or system, used for educational or research purposes.
  • Open Educational Resources (OER): Freely accessible, openly licensed educational materials that can be used for teaching, learning, and research.
  • Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS): An online learning platform developed by the Ministry of Education in Singapore to provide students with access to educational resources and tools.
  • Wave Interference: The phenomenon that occurs when two or more waves meet while traveling along the same medium. The interference can be constructive (resulting in a larger amplitude) or destructive (resulting in a smaller amplitude or cancellation).
  • Electromagnetism: The branch of physics dealing with electromagnetic forces, which occur between electrically charged particles. Electromagnetic forces underlie the interactions between atoms and molecules and are responsible for many of the phenomena we experience in everyday life.



Student Learning Space Two Source Ripple Tank JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model FAQ

  • What is the Student Learning Space Two Source Ripple Tank JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model?
  • It is an interactive simulation tool designed to demonstrate the principle of superposition in waves. This model uses JavaScript and HTML5, making it accessible within web browsers without requiring additional plugins. It allows users to visualize how two sources of ripples interact and create interference patterns.
  • Where can I find and embed this simulation model?
  • The simulation can be accessed and embedded into a webpage using an iframe. The provided iframe code is: <iframe width="100%" height="100%" src=" " frameborder="0"></iframe>. This allows the simulation to be directly integrated into other educational resources or websites.
  • Who created this simulation, and where can I find more information about similar resources?
  • The simulation was created by Wolfgang Christian. The reference link provided is, which leads to the Open Source Physics (OSP) ComPADRE collection, a repository of resources for physics education.
  • What is the significance of using JavaScript and HTML5 for this simulation?
  • Using JavaScript and HTML5 ensures that the simulation can run on a wide range of devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones) without the need for specific software or plugins like Java applets, which are becoming obsolete. This makes the resource more accessible and user-friendly.
  • What broader educational context does this simulation fit into?
  • The simulation is part of a larger collection of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Source Physics (OSP) materials developed in Singapore. It is designed to be used within the Student Learning Space (SLS), a platform used by the Ministry of Education in Singapore, and is part of a wider initiative to use interactive simulations to enhance physics education.
  • What other types of simulations and interactive resources are available from Open Source Physics @ Singapore?
  • The platform offers a wide array of simulations covering various physics topics such as electricity and magnetism (e.g., circuits, electromagnetism), mechanics (e.g., collisions, projectile motion, simple harmonic motion), waves, optics, and thermodynamics. There are also math-related simulations and virtual labs for other sciences like Biology and Chemistry, as well as tools for data analysis and modeling.
  • Are there any licensing restrictions on using this simulation?
  • The contents are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Singapore License. For commercial use of the underlying EasyJavaScriptSimulations Library, specific licensing terms apply, and direct contact with the University of Murcia ( is required.
  • How does this simulation relate to broader trends in education?
  • This simulation exemplifies several key trends in modern education: the use of interactive simulations to promote deeper understanding, the adoption of open educational resources to increase accessibility and reduce costs, and the integration of technology into the classroom to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. It also reflects a move towards more active and inquiry-based learning approaches.
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