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- shm 300g tension weight model.mp4
- shm 300g tension weight


Document Brief: Title: "Tracker SHM 300g Tension Weight Model"

This document provides an overview of the use of Tracker software to analyze a 300g weight undergoing simple harmonic motion (SHM) due to tension. The session emphasizes applying Tracker as a tool to model SHM, visualize motion, and explore underlying physics concepts.

Study Guide:


  • Understand how to use Tracker to study SHM of a 300g tensioned weight.

  • Explore the relationship between force, tension, and oscillatory motion.

Key Concepts:

  1. Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM):

    • Periodic motion described by sinusoidal functions.

    • Restoring force proportional to displacement.

  2. Tension and Weight Dynamics:

    • Relationship between tension in the string and weight of the mass.

    • Energy transformations in SHM.

  3. Using Tracker for Analysis:

    • Importing and calibrating videos.

    • Marking oscillatory motion and generating position-time, velocity-time, and acceleration-time graphs.

Steps for Analysis:

  1. Setup:

    • Secure a 300g weight to a tensioned string.

    • Record the oscillation with a high-frame-rate camera.

  2. Import Video to Tracker:

    • Calibrate axes and set the scale using a reference length.

    • Mark key frames for each oscillation cycle.

  3. Generate Graphs:

    • Position-time graph to observe sinusoidal patterns.

    • Velocity-time and acceleration-time graphs for deeper insights.

  4. Analyze Results:

    • Determine amplitude, period, and frequency of oscillation.

    • Compare experimental data to theoretical predictions.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What does the position-time graph of SHM look like?

    • Answer: A sinusoidal curve.

  2. How is the period of SHM determined?

    • Answer: By measuring the time for one complete cycle in the position-time graph.

  3. What energy transformations occur during SHM?

    • Answer: Conversion between potential energy (elastic/tension) and kinetic energy.

  4. How does tension affect the motion of the weight?

    • Answer: Greater tension results in a higher restoring force, influencing frequency and amplitude.

  5. What factors might introduce errors in SHM experiments using Tracker?

    • Answer: Calibration inaccuracies, air resistance, and non-uniform tension.



  1. Can Tracker handle high-speed oscillatory motion?

    • Yes, provided the video is recorded at a sufficient frame rate for accurate tracking.

  2. What is the ideal setup for recording SHM?

    • Use a stable camera, proper lighting, and a uniform background to minimize tracking errors.

  3. How can Tracker help verify theoretical models?

    • By comparing experimental data (graphs, calculated periods) with theoretical predictions.

  4. Can Tracker analyze 3D motion in SHM?

    • Primarily 2D, but stereoscopic setups can be used for limited 3D analysis.

  5. What additional experiments can be conducted with this setup?

    • Varying mass or string length to study their effects on SHM properties.

Next Steps: Participants are encouraged to experiment with different masses and string lengths, recording their observations and using Tracker to analyze the resulting motion. Further exploration can include damping effects or external forcing in SHM.

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