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Video   tracker modeling explained by lookang lawrence wee


Tracker Motion of Person Progressive Model Building Pedagogy

model A no force
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author video:  ning, model: lookang
when fx = 0 , there is no motion, vx =0


author video:  ning, model: lookang
when fx = 0 , there is no motion, vx =0, note that y = -0.1 is for visualization purposes.

 model B constant speed

author video:  ning, model: lookang
when fx = 0 and initial vx = 1.54, there is constant velocity motion, vx =1.54. notice the model is some what correct but not a close enough mathematical representation of the real motion.


author video:  ning, model: lookang
when fx = 0 , there is no motion, vx =1.54, note that y = -0.2 is for visualization purposes

 model C accelerate 

author video:  ning, model: lookang
when fx = 0.965*2 (from data analysis trend line parabolic fit, coefficient of A which is \( \frac{1}{2}a \)) and initial vx = 0.2898 (from data analysis tool of mass A hand), there is constant acceleration motion. notice the model is some what getting better but still not a close enough mathematical representation of the real motion.

\( \frac{1}{2}a \)

author video:  ning, model: lookang
when fx = 0.965*2 , and initial vx = 0.2898, there is constant acceleration motion,, note that y = -0.3 is for visualization purposes

model D accelerate fx = 0.965*2 N for t = 0 to 0.8 s and constant speed v =1.83 m/s for t> 0.8 s

author video:  ning, model: lookang
when fx = if(t<0.8,0.965*2,0)  (computational thinking and mathematical demonstrating newton's 2nd and 1st law together) and initial vx = 0.2898 (from data analysis tool of mass A hand), there is constant acceleration motion. notice the model a close enough mathematical representation of the real motion.


author video:  ning, model: lookang
when fx = if(t<0.8,0.965*2,0) , and initial vx = 0.2898, there is constant acceleration motion,, note that y = -0.4 is for visualization purposes

Tracker Motion of Person Progressive Model Building Pedagogy is made clear by lookang.
many thanks to the Open Source Physics community, +Douglas Brown and many more of them

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