

Document Brief: Title: "20111227 Tracker Sharing to MOEHQ Officers & Physics Chapter Network of ST and LT"

This document provides an overview of a Tracker sharing session held on December 27, 2011, aimed at Ministry of Education Headquarters (MOEHQ) officers and members of the Physics Chapter Network of Senior Teachers (ST) and Lead Teachers (LT). The session highlighted the potential of Tracker as a pedagogical tool for physics education.

Study Guide:


  • Demonstrate the applications of Tracker in enhancing physics teaching and learning.

  • Encourage the adoption of technology for interactive and data-driven lessons.

Key Concepts:

  1. Introduction to Tracker:

    • Basics of video analysis.

    • Exploring motion through data visualization.

  2. Applications in Education:

    • Enhancing understanding of kinematics and dynamics.

    • Connecting theoretical models with experimental observations.

  3. Features for Educators:

    • Tools for tracking motion and generating graphs.

    • Customization for various teaching scenarios.

Session Activities:

  • Welcome and Objectives: Overview of the session’s goals.

  • Hands-On Demonstration:

    • Using Tracker to analyze projectile motion.

    • Applying Tracker for conservation of momentum in collisions.

  • Discussion and Sharing:

    • Participants shared insights and potential uses in their contexts.

    • Highlighted success stories and challenges from existing users.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Why is Tracker an effective tool for physics education?

    • Answer: Tracker brings theoretical concepts to life by enabling real-time data analysis and visualization of motion.

  2. What types of experiments can be conducted using Tracker?

    • Answer: Free fall, pendulum motion, collisions, and rotational dynamics are a few examples.

  3. How does Tracker facilitate collaborative learning?

    • Answer: By allowing students to work together to analyze data and compare findings.

  4. What resources are available to learn Tracker?

    • Answer: Online tutorials, workshops, and the official Tracker documentation.

  5. What challenges might educators face when implementing Tracker?

    • Answer: Ensuring video quality, proper calibration, and familiarity with the software.

tracker sharing to MOEHQ officers & Physics Chapter network of ST and LT

tracker sharing to MOEHQ officers & Physics Chapter network of Senior Teachers and Lead Teachers 28 December 2011 (0900-1100)
after the implementation of SOE, i need these information to apply of mass installation of the software to SOE machine.
need the colleagues email ( so that i can figure out the names ) and SOE asset ID .
soe asset ID like 1147402
to see who is coming :)
i will submit the list to when i get 20 names or 14 December.
SOE is unable to push the Tracker software until 6 weeks time. thus, i will stop collecting your SOE details.
Aim of sharing:To allow MOEHQ officers & Physics Chapter network of ST and LT to experience physics of video analysis and modeling using Tracker.
getting ready for the workshop!

trouble-shooting the location of the files in windows 7 is different from windows XP.
0830 – 0900 preparation, simple refreshment by ETD
Yew Meng opening the workshop!
0900 – 0905 welcome by ETD 
lookang sharing the with downloadable resources
you can download STAR tracker if suits, 30 day trial
0905 – 1015 hands-on tracker video analysis by Tat Leong (RVHS) ( bouncing ball and projectile)
Tze Kwang and Samuel facilitating
Tze Kwang and Samuel facilitating
Loo Kang, Tze Kwang and Samuel facilitating
Tat Leong leading the workshop
Tat Leong leading the workshop on bouncing ball analysis
Tat Leong leading the workshop, notice i am in the video hahahaha.
1015 – 1030 hands-on tracker video modeling by Loo Kang ( bouncing ball and projectile)
Loo Kang leading the workshop on analysis and modeling projectile motion
Loo Kang leading the workshop on analysis and modeling projectile motion
1030 – 1040 spectroscopy Tat Leong (RVHS)
1040 – 1055 hands-on lesson example by Samuel
Samuel leading the workshop with the lesson example using Tracker
1055 – 1100 closing remarks by AST, CPDD and ETD
 the venue is booked after 1100, may need to leave the room sharp
Likely Facilitators: 
  1. Loo Kang WEE
  2. Tat Leong (RVHS),
  3. Samuel TAN,  
  4. Tze Kwang (RGS),
  5. Amos Goh
  6. and anyone like Yew Meng KWAN, Swee Lian TAN, Ghee Han KHOO, Mathews ELSIE, Ling See ANG, Chew Lee TEO who knows tracker! 
Venue: Vista Lab Level 18 ,MOEHQ 1 North Buona Vista Drive, Singapore 138675
Booking for venue
Finalized Date and Time: 28 December 2011 (0900-1100)
Computer: Bring your own laptop
Maximum number of participants: 25 
Confirmed List:
Confirmed Participants: CPDD and AST

  1. Huang Kexin (Mdm) 
  2. Sandra Ong (Mdm) 
  3. Catherine Chan (Mdm) 
  4. Benson Ang 
  5. Alfred Loo 
  6. Edwin Lim
  7. Er Siew Shin (Mdm) 
  8. Alvin Chen 
  9. Ong Chee Wah 
  10. lim_see_wai
Format: Workshop
Duration: 2 hours
Pre-Workshop: download and installtracker 4.61
Some Cloud resources
A level 
  • - on Dec 21, 2011 1:44 PM by weelookang weelookang (version 1) 155k Download
  • BallTossOutwee4.61.trk - on Dec 21, 2011 1:45 PM by weelookang weelookang (version 1) 
    38k Download 
  • PWS 5 - Understanding projectile motion through video tracking (Teaching notes)updatedtotracker4.61.docx - on Dec 21, 2011 1:49 PM by weelookang weelookang (version 1) 688k Download
  • ejs_users_sgeducation_lookang_Projectile02.jar - on Dec 28, 2011 8:28 AM by weelookang weelookang (version 1) 1474k ViewDownload
 O level
  • ballbouncelookang01_x264.mp4 - on Dec 27, 2011 10:40 AM by weelookang weelookang (version 1) 409k Download
  • ballbouncelookang01_x264.trk - on Dec 27, 2011 10:40 AM by weelookang weelookang (version 1) 74k Download
  • bouncing ball worksheet tracker lookangv4answerkeyupdated4.61.docx - on Dec 27, 2011 10:52 AM by weelookang weelookang (version 1) 1088k Download
  • ejs_users_sgeducation_lookang_UpandDownBouncingBall.jar - on Dec 28, 2011 8:23 AM by weelookang weelookang (version 1)1694k View Download
Pre-Reading from Professor Doug Brown:
  1. Simulating What You See: Combining computer modeling with video analysis (MPTL16 - HSCI 2011, Fall 2011 at Ljubljana)
  2. Video Modeling with Tracker (pdf) and accompanying jar file(AAPT, Summer 2009 at Ann Arbor)
  3. Video Modeling: Combining Dynamic Model Simulations with Traditional Video Analysis (AAPT, Summer 2008 at Edmonton)
  4. Modeling Air Resistance (AAPT, Summer 2007 at Greensboro)
  5. Video Spectroscopy Experiments (AAPT, Summer 2005 at Salt Lake)
1.    Wee L.K. Lee T.L. (2011) Video Analysis and Modeling Tool forPhysics Education: A workshop for Redesigning Pedagogy at  4th Redesigning Pedagogy conferenceworkshop on Video Analysis and Modeling for Physics Education, NationalInstitute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore [PDF is attached, not published yet to be available fromNIE]  [PPT] 
 Pre-workshop video by lookang:


MOE-ETD-NRF Context:
MOE-ETD has evaluated some of the completed National ResearchFoundation (NRF) - Interactive & Digital Media (IDM) projects and I have(with inputs from Kin Mun and Samuel) counter-proposed to “massdiffused” or “scale up” a free and widely used research tool called “Tracker”instead of the above project NRF2007-IDM003-MOE-003 for the following reasons:
  • Cost (about $2500 per school) if “roll-out” at current pricing
  • Lacking in video analysis features, cannot manual track, cannot track multiple objects, cannot define own variables, cannot read all video formats etc
  • No pedagogy of video modeling (see Professor Doug Brown’swebsite), a useful pedagogy in physics of kinematics
I have been somewhat ‘empowered’ to spread the use of theTracker, or else the IDM project tool might have to be scale up assuggested-recommended by the International Expert Panel of the NRF-IDM projects J.
Anyway, more evidence of school and teachers already usingtracker that I know of:
  1. Yishun JC, all JC1 physics teachers
  2. River Valley High, all year 5 (all JC1) physics teachers see
  3. HCI, they implemented their own JC1 lesson using Tracker after a workshop by Tat Leong, Charles and me.
  4. NYGH, Sec 2 Science Olympiad programme (physics), introduced to fellow colleagues
  5. RGS, planning 2012 implementation to level wide Sec 3 I think.
  6. NIE Dr Darren Wong is sharing tracker with his classes
The following is a list are some of the sharing on tracker thatwe have conducted:
  1. Lee T.L.Wee L.K (2012, 27-30 March) Learning Physics of Sport through VideoAnalysis and Modeling @3rdInternational Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology, iCTLT 2012,Singapore
Completed Conference:
  1. Wee L.K. Lee T.L. (2011) Video Analysis andModeling Tool for Physics Education: A workshop for Redesigning Pedagogy at 4th Redesigning Pedagogy conferenceworkshop on Video Analysis and Modeling for Physics Education, NationalInstitute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore [PDF] to beavailable from NIE [PPT]
  2. Wee, L. K., Lee T.L. & Charles Chew (2010, 23-24November) Workshop Concurrent 4.9 Workshop -Innovation in Science Education Open Source Physics – Tracker Video Analysisand Modeling Tool, Singapore Science Center, Singapore1st Science Teacher Conference.
  1. Wee L.K. Samuel Tan (2011, 15 September) Video Tracker Course @RafflesGirl's School, Singapore
  2. Lee T.L., Wee, L. K. (2011, 12 August) NationalICT Sharing Session 2011 Learning Physics of Sport through Video Analysis andModeling, @ Kranji Sec Sch, Singapore [PPT] [PPT]from tat leong
  3. Lee T.L., Wee, L. K. (2011, 21 June) ICT mentor programHomecoming sharing on Video Analysis and Modeling forPhysics Education, Academy of Singapore Teachers,Singapore [PPT] from tat leong
  4. Lee T.L., Wee, L. K. (2011, 19 January) workshop on investigation of thekinematics of a falling ball through Video Analysis and Modeling , 3rdInstructional Program Support Group (IPSG) Physics, Anglo-Chinese JuniorCollege, Singapore [DOC]
  5. Wee, L.K., Samuel Tan (2010, 20 May) ICT mentorsharing secondary science on video analysis using Tracker held atRiver Valley High School, Singapore
  6. Wee, L.K., Samuel Tan (2010, 14 May) ICT mentorsharing secondary science on video analysis using Tracker held atQueensway Secondary School, Singapore
The list below are Lesson(s) in ICT connection using Tracker:Feel free to use the worksheets inside ICT connection, a platform by CPDD-ETDto infuse ICT practices into the curriculum.
  1. Goh, J., Wee, L. K., Leong, T. K., Bakar, R. A., Koh, J. M.,Tan, H. K., & Tan, E. (2011). Learning Physics of Projectile through Video Analysis and Modeling Retrieved 02 June, 2010, from
  2. Lee, T. L., Wee, L. K., Cheng, S. S. S., & Tan, Y. L.(2010). Learning Physics of Sport Science through Video Analysis and Modeling Retrieved 02 June, 2010, from &


  1. Can Tracker be used for other subjects besides physics?

    • Yes, Tracker’s principles can apply to biology, engineering, and environmental science experiments involving motion analysis.

  2. What technical setup is needed to run Tracker?

    • A computer with Java installed and basic video capturing tools.

  3. Is Tracker suitable for all educational levels?

    • Tracker is versatile and can be adapted for secondary school to university-level physics.

  4. How does Tracker support conceptual understanding?

    • By allowing students to visualize and manipulate data, leading to deeper engagement with the material.

  5. What feedback did participants provide on Tracker’s utility?

    • Participants noted its user-friendly interface and effectiveness in bridging theoretical and experimental physics.

Next Steps: Participants are encouraged to integrate Tracker into their lesson plans and share their experiences in follow-up meetings or forums to build a collaborative knowledge base for innovative teaching practices.