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Code Language Translator Run


Fu-Kwun Hwang; Fremont Teng; lookang

Sample Learning Goals


For Teachers


Instructions to use the Simulation Applet

Refractive Index Slider and Radio Buttons

Adjust the refractive index of the light



Note that adjusting the slider will change the colour of the rays as well
Does the same thing as the radio buttons after a certain value

Check Boxes

Clicking on the check box will toggle the real intensity ratio and cross section of the refraction
(Default - Not all active)


(Toggling real intensity ratio on)


(Toggling both check boxes on)

Drag-able Light Rays

This can be done by dragging the box vertically.



(Adjusting the box will change the position of the rays)

Toggling Full Screen

Double Clicking anywhere on the panel will do the trick.

Reset Button

Resets the Simulation.






Other Resources


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