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Speed, velocity and acceleration
Graphical analysis of motion
Effect of air resistance


This simulation has a drop-down menu for exploration of
(i) at rest  use of progressive mathematical model is encouraged Y = 0 for example
(ii) moving with uniform velocity, use of progressive mathematical model is encouraged
(iii) moving with non-uniform velocity (eg, constant acceleration) use of progressive mathematical model is encouraged
When only the  velocity-time graph check-box is selected, it can be explored for the following cases too.
(i) at rest 
(ii) moving with uniform velocity (eg, no acceleration) model of the form Y = Y0+u*t 
(iii) moving with uniform acceleration (eg, constant acceleration = 9.81 m/s^2) model of the form Y = Y0+u*t+0.5*g*t 
(iv) moving with non-uniform acceleration (eg, with small ot large drag force acting thus acceleration changes).
The default acceleration is set at-9.81 m/s^2 which is near to the Earth is constant and is approximately 10 m/s 2.
Lastly, by  selecting the 3 options of
"free fall"
It can provide the experience and evidences for describing the motion of bodies with constant weight falling with (large and small) or without air resistance, including reference to terminal velocity, a constant velocity as a result of balanced forces of weight of mass and the drag force giving rise to zero acceleration.

Sample Learning Goals

(e) plot and interpret a displacement-time graph and a velocity-time graph
(f) deduce from the shape of a displacement-time graph when a body is:
(i) at rest 
(ii) moving with uniform velocity
(iii) moving with non-uniform velocity
(g) deduce from the shape of a velocity-time graph when a body is:
(i) at rest 
(ii) moving with uniform velocity
(iii) moving with uniform acceleration
(iv) moving with non-uniform acceleration
(i) state that the acceleration of free fall for a body near to the Earth is constant and is approximately 10 m/s 2
(j) describe the motion of bodies with constant weight falling with or without air resistance, including reference to terminal velocity




Code Language Translator Run


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Francisco Esquembre; Flix J. Garca

Sample Learning Goals


For Teachers



 Acceleration and Velocity

You can adjust the acceleration and velocity of the car in two ways.
1) Using the sliders
2) Dragging the arrows/empty boxes in the world

World-View Combo Box

Toggling through the combo box gives you a selection of view to choose from.
 (World and Position View)
(World and Velocity View)

(World and Acceleration View)

Play/Pause, Step and Reset Buttons

Plays/Pauses, steps and resets the simulation respectively.




  1. by ETDtogo 
  2. by ETDtogo


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