2013-2014 Principal investigator: SSTRF ETD Application Form 2012 - 1. Gravity-Physics by Inquiry
Principal Investigators
- Lawrence_Wee ETD
- Charles_Chew AST
- yap_kian_wee Anglo-Chinese JC
- khoo_bee_chan National JC
- lee_tat_leong River Valley High
- ng_soo_kok Innova JC
- goh_giam_hwee Yishun JC
Project Information
In the study of Newtonian theoretical gravity concepts, the collection of scientific data is key to enactment of essential features of inquiry (Eick, Meadows, & Balkcom, 2005). Word problem solving 'pedagogy' (Ng & Lee, 2009) is not only a pedagogical mismatch (L. C. McDermott, 1993), sending students on field trips into outer-space is also untenable from safety and economic standpoints. Thus, researchers have created simulations (Lindsey, 2012; PhET, 2011) to allow multiple visualization (Gilbert, 2010; Wong, Sng, Ng, & Wee, 2011) of these difficult concepts but they are usually meant for their own specific context.
Therefore, our research and development is on customized computer models (Wee & Mak, 2009) using the Easy Java Simulation authoring toolkit (Christian & Esquembre, 2012; Christian, Esquembre, & Barbato, 2011; Esquembre, 2010a; F. K. Hwang & Esquembre, 2003) that are not only tailored to the Singapore syllabus but will be free, based on astronomical data, supported with literature reviewed researched pedagogical features. These new computer models serves to support the enactment of scientific work that are inquiry-centric and evidence-based that are more likely to promote enjoyment and inspire imagination having ‘experienced’ gravity-physics than tradtional pen paper problem solving.
Our MOE useable research question lies in the pedagogical design ideas-principles of computer models (Wee, 2012; Wee, Chew, Goh, Tan, & Lee, 2012).
Research Initial Proposal
Research Proposal on Gravity Physics by Inquiry
sharing only scholarly ideas, drop me a line if you see secretive or confidential materials here.
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screen shot of the gravity physics computer models, an INNERGY AWARD gold MOEHQ 2012 |
Briefing Document: Gravity Physics by Inquiry Project
1. Project Overview
The "Gravity Physics by Inquiry" project is a research and development initiative focused on improving the teaching and learning of Newtonian gravity concepts in Singaporean Junior Colleges (pre-university level). The project emphasizes inquiry-based learning, utilizing customized computer simulations created with the Easy Java Simulation (EJS) authoring toolkit. The project aims to move away from traditional problem-solving pedagogy, which the project team argues is a "pedagogical mismatch" and instead, have students "experience" physics through simulations.
The project was led by Principal Investigator Lawrence Wee and several co-investigators from different Singaporean junior colleges and has received a Ministry of Education (MOE) Innergy Gold Award in 2012.
2. Key Themes and Ideas
- Inquiry-Based Learning: The project prioritizes inquiry-based learning as a key methodology. The source states, "In the study of Newtonian theoretical gravity concepts, the collection of scientific data is key to enactment of essential features of inquiry." The goal is to encourage students to "behave like scientists" by collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data.
- Computer Simulations as a Tool: The core of the project is the development of customized computer simulations using EJS. This approach addresses the challenge of teaching abstract concepts like gravity, which is "untenable from safety and economic standpoints" when using real-world experiments. The simulations aim to provide “multiple visualizations” of these difficult concepts.
- Customization and Pedagogical Design: The project focuses on creating simulations specifically tailored to the Singaporean syllabus, supported with research-validated pedagogical features, and utilizing astronomical data. The research question is centred on the “pedagogical design ideas-principles of computer models” and how these computer models can benefit learning. A key aim is to provide simulations that are NOT "meant for their own specific context" as many other available simulation software are. The aim is to make them more useful for Singaporean context.
- Open Educational Resources (OER): The project aims to make these customized simulations freely available. They will be "free, based on astronomical data, supported with literature reviewed researched pedagogical features," and licensed under creative commons. This commitment to OER is further supported by aiming to create a “Singapore National digital library of computer models”. This aligns with their goal to have a greater impact on teaching practices than traditional "edumall repository" approaches.
- Scaling Up and Sustainability: The project is concerned with scaling up the use of these computer models from 5 initial schools to 22 pre-university centers across the nation. They will examine "scaling up principles of these inquiry-enabled computer models that emerged from this study with the aim to benefit the 22 pre-universities centres across the nation and beyond". This includes "building school capacity in planning and implementation of this ICT-enabled inquiry pedagogy."
- Moving Beyond Traditional Methods: The project critiques traditional "word problem solving 'pedagogy'" and argues that it's a "pedagogical mismatch." The intention is for these customized computer models to be more likely to promote "enjoyment and inspire imagination having 'experienced' gravity-physics than traditional pen paper problem solving.” They argue that traditional lecture methods and "just listening to teacher and remembering what is taught" is ineffective for deep understanding.
3. Project Objectives
The project has several objectives, including:
- Conducting a literature review on the use of computer models in gravity physics education.
- Designing and customizing computer models for inquiry-based learning.
- Co-designing activities with teachers for using these models in the classroom.
- Implementing inquiry-based lessons in schools and collecting data.
- Synthesizing a report and recommending further actions to the MOE.
- Publishing peer-reviewed journal articles and disseminating research findings.
- Scaling up the use of the computer models across Singaporean pre-universities.
4. Key Activities and Timeline
The project's schedule spans a year (April 2013- March 2014) and includes these stages:
- Year 1: Discussion with schools, case study design, literature review, preparation for study, and resource development.
- Year 2: Implementation, data collection and analysis, preliminary reporting, investigation of possibilities, paper writing, final reporting, mass briefings, and scaling up research to 22 schools.
5. Comparative Advantage of the Simulations
The project emphasizes that their simulations are deeply customized for the Singaporean syllabus and span comprehensive gravity-physics scenarios. The simulations are intended to allow for more “personalized learning” than other existing software.
The project also provides several comparisons with existing simulations, highlighting the following advantages of their approach:
- Focus and Curriculum-Relevance: Unlike general simulations, these models are specifically designed to meet the requirements of the Singaporean curriculum and include specific data and features needed for learning key concepts. The models are designed to “focus learning and teaching objectives without complicated controls”.
- Data-Driven Inquiry: Many existing simulations are good for visualizations but “lack scientific data necessary for inquiry learning such as missing key variables”. The project emphasizes the incorporation of scientific data to support inquiry learning. The values included in the simulation also “reflect actual numerical calculated from actual experimental and theoretical experiments” instead of just visualization for its own sake.
- Customizability and Control: Many existing simulations do not allow for the ability to modify key variables such as “time lapsed, ability to create a new planet etc”. Their simulations are designed to allow such modifications. This allows for students to explore the physics more deeply.
- Open Source and Free Availability: Unlike other software, these computer models are free to use by teachers and students.
6. Pedagogical Approach
The project is based on experiential learning theory (Dewey and Kolb) and physics by inquiry (McDermott, Shaffer, & Rosenquist) models. The use of computer models is based on "Open Source Physics OSP research" and "Physics Education Technology PhET research". The "5E" instructional strategy is used in workshops with teachers to support implementation of computer models. Students are encouraged to engage in activities that require "collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data, like a scientist".
7. Teacher and Student Feedback
- The project includes research on teacher feedback and student learning outcomes to improve on the design of the simulations and lesson plans. Student feedback from earlier work indicates that students found the simulations to be "fun", "interesting", and an “eye opener”. They feel that the simulations helps them to “figure out the concepts rather than just listen[ing] and believing what is taught”. Many students also suggest that such "vlab[virtual lab] lesson effectively utilizes the IT[information technology] resources to enhance lessons, making physics lessons less dry.”
- Students also stated that these simulations supported “critical thinking” and gave them “confidence and a sense of accomplishment when the conclusions we arrive at are correct.”
- However, there is also student feedback that the initial activities and worksheets didn't generate enough thinking, and they wished for the software to be more "interactive." Some students also suggested that the simulations have “better quality so that the simulations could be more interesting and appealing” and “add sound effects”. This feedback has inspired the team to design "concept testing" games.
8. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
The project has set KPIs that include:
- Completing literature reviews
- Designing and customizing 4 gravity physics computer models
- Co-designing activities with teachers
- Implementing lessons
- Synthesizing a report and recommendations for MOE
- Publishing peer-reviewed articles
9. Project Artifacts and Resources
The project provides several computer simulations, worksheets, videos, and other resources:
- Several direct links to simulations are included in the document. The simulations are hosted on multiple platforms including Dropbox and the project's own website.
- Several sets of worksheets are also available for download.
- There are playlists of videos for teachers and students on the topic.
- Research interview questions are provided for the project team to solicit specific feedback on the software and the lesson design.
- Workshops for teachers to use these resources are also available.
- The project has also published several journal articles and other publications related to the project and the underlying philosophy of the research.
10. Conclusion
The "Gravity Physics by Inquiry" project represents a significant effort to enhance physics education in Singapore through technology, inquiry, and open educational resources. By creating customized simulations, the project team seeks to overcome the limitations of traditional teaching methods and provide students with a more engaging and effective learning experience. The research emphasizes both theory-driven and practice-based improvements to the teaching of Newtonian gravity. The commitment to scaling up these efforts and disseminating research findings positions the project for significant impact on physics education locally and potentially worldwide.
Gravity Physics by Inquiry: A Study Guide
Instructions: Answer each question in 2-3 sentences.
- What is the main pedagogical problem the researchers are trying to address with computer simulations in the study of gravity?
- What is the primary tool used to create the customized computer models?
- What specific data are the computer models based upon?
- According to the text, what are two advantages of using simulations compared to traditional pen and paper problem-solving?
- What is the key research question regarding the computer models themselves?
- What is meant by the term "scaling up" in this research project?
- Name three of the project’s intended outcomes.
- What is a key limitation of existing gravity simulations mentioned in the text?
- What role do teachers play in this research project?
- How do the researchers intend to share their findings with other physics teachers?
Quiz Answer Key
- The researchers address the pedagogical mismatch of using word problems to teach theoretical gravity, as well as the impracticality of sending students to outer space for data collection, necessitating a more engaging, accessible approach. They propose using computer simulations as an alternative that is both safer and more economically feasible.
- The primary tool used to create the customized computer models is the Easy Java Simulation (EJS) authoring toolkit, which allows for the creation of interactive and customizable simulations.
- The computer models are based upon astronomical data, which provides a realistic and accurate foundation for the simulated gravitational phenomena being studied.
- Simulations allow for multiple visualizations of difficult concepts and support inquiry-centric and evidence-based scientific work, which promote enjoyment and imagination compared to the more passive approach of traditional pen and paper problem-solving.
- The key research question concerns the pedagogical design ideas and principles of the computer models, focusing on how these designs can enhance learning of gravity concepts.
- "Scaling up" refers to the process of expanding the use of these computer models from the initial 5 study schools to 22 pre-university centers across the nation, and potentially beyond. It addresses the potential for national and widespread adoption of this educational tool.
- The project aims to (1) develop customized computer models with effective pedagogical features; (2) co-design activities with teachers; and (3) investigate how to effectively scale the use of the computer models.
- Many existing gravity simulations are not specifically tailored to the Singaporean syllabus and lack features that support inquiry-based learning, often meant for specific contexts rather than general educational use.
- Teachers are essential collaborators in this project, participating in the co-design of learning activities and lesson packages for effective use of the computer models, building school capacity and pedagogical knowledge.
- The researchers plan to publish their findings in 1 or 2 peer-reviewed journals, with free access granted to Singapore physics teachers, ensuring widespread dissemination of their research.
Essay Questions
Instructions: Write an essay in response to each question.
- Discuss the limitations of traditional teaching methods for Newtonian gravity and how computer simulations offer a more suitable pedagogical approach.
- Analyze the role of inquiry-based learning in the project's design, and evaluate the effectiveness of computer models in promoting this approach.
- Critically evaluate the project's focus on both pedagogical design principles and practical scalability, arguing why these two elements are important to successfully implement such a project.
- Explore the concept of 'experiential learning' as applied in this project and how the computer models enhance the student experience of learning difficult physics concepts.
- Discuss how the research integrates the use of technology, collaborative learning, and curriculum relevance into its overall design for effective and engaging physics instruction.
Glossary of Key Terms
- Inquiry-Based Learning: A student-centered approach where students develop questions and investigate concepts through active exploration rather than passive absorption of information.
- Pedagogical Design: The process of creating instructional materials and activities that are aligned with effective teaching and learning principles. In this context, it refers specifically to the principles guiding the design of the computer simulations and lesson plans.
- Computer Models/Simulations: A digital representation of a real-world phenomenon, used here to visualize and interact with Newtonian gravity concepts that are otherwise difficult to experience directly.
- Easy Java Simulation (EJS): An authoring toolkit used to create interactive computer simulations, often employed in educational settings for physics.
- Scaling Up: The process of expanding a successful program or intervention to a larger population or system, in this case, the usage of the gravity simulations beyond the pilot schools.
- Open Source Physics (OSP): A community and movement focused on making physics educational resources freely available for educators to use, share, and customize.
- TPCK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge): The integration of technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge, which teachers need in order to teach effectively with technology.
- Virtual Laboratory: A digital space where students can conduct experiments and explore scientific concepts in a risk free and cost effective way.
- Experiential Learning: A learning process that emphasizes learning by doing through experience and reflection.
- 5E Instructional Strategy: A model of instruction that has five key components: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate, that teachers can use to guide learning activities in the classroom.
Abstract:In the study of Newtonian theoretical gravity concepts, the collection of scientific data is key to enactment of essential features of inquiry (Eick, Meadows, & Balkcom, 2005). Word problem solving 'pedagogy' (Ng & Lee, 2009) is not only a pedagogical mismatch (L. C. McDermott, 1993), sending students on field trips into outer-space is also untenable from safety and economic standpoints. Thus, researchers have created simulations (Lindsey, 2012; PhET, 2011) to allow multiple visualization (Gilbert, 2010; Wong, Sng, Ng, & Wee, 2011) of these difficult concepts but they are usually meant for their own specific context. Therefore, our research and development is on customized computer models (Wee & Mak, 2009) using the Easy Java Simulation authoring toolkit (Christian & Esquembre, 2012; Christian, Esquembre, & Barbato, 2011; Esquembre, 2010a; F. K. Hwang & Esquembre, 2003) that are not only tailored to the Singapore syllabus but will be free, based on astronomical data, supported with literature reviewed researched pedagogical features. These new computer models serves to support the enactment of scientific work that are inquiry-centric and evidence-based that are more likely to promote enjoyment and inspire imagination having ‘experienced’ gravity-physics than tradtional pen paper problem solving. Our MOE useable research question lies in the 1) pedagogical design ideas-principles of computer models (Wee, 2012; Wee, Chew, Goh, Tan, & Lee, 2012) and 2) using the dimensions of scaling up (Dede, 2007) to further understand how these inquiry-enabled computer models were used to benefit from the 5 study sites-schools to 22 pre-universities centres across the nation and beyond.Agenda:Curriculum, Assessment, Pedagogy and Instruction Purpose:Development of Resources or InstrumentsTarget Level and Type of Students:Junior College Special/ExpressObjectives in order of Priority
- Research and develop on computer models (ICT-enabled inquiry pedagogy) further customize with pedagogical design ideas-principles [winner of innergy gold award (MOE, 2012) for ETD and AST ] to promote enriched learning experiences and behaving like scientists.
- Co-Design activities with teachers with use with computer models, thereby building school capacity in planning and implementation of this ICT-enabled inquiry pedagogy.
- Using the dimensions of scaling up to understand how these computer model lessons are sustainable in the 5 schools and scalable for 22 pre-universities centres across the nation system wide adoption.
- Synthesize report and recommend further actions for MOE
- Publish 1 or 2 peer-reviewed journals and share research with all Singapore physics teachers through free assess to journal articles.
- To conduct a literature review of existing efforts to use computer models in the area of gravity physics, for inquiry-based learning.
Pedagogy: This is a pedagogy extension of science as inquiry (L. McDermott, Shaffer, & Rosenquist, 1995; Wee, Lee, & Goh, 2011) into CPDD’s (MOE, 2011, p. 35) Science Curriculum Framework into the use with computer models, especially for gravity-physics that currently does not have any accessible real-life laboratory setup. Policy: Setup a Singapore National digital library (Christian, 2012) of computer models situated in the Open Source Physics authoring toolkit serving the world licensed under creative commons attribution. This policy sets the stage for benefiting the world as well as singapore teachers as tradtional approaches of edumall repository have limited impact on classrooms practices. Potential: This is a potential for collaboration with Open Source Physics (Brown, 2012; Christian, 2010; Christian, et al., 2011; F.-K. Hwang, 2010) research group. Many MOE projects have scaling up difficulties due to adoption of tradtional development of 1) outsourcing to vendors and 2) paying high costs to develop and scale these projects to school. A Singapore National digital library of computer models can be developed for a small fraction of the costs traditionally associated with current MOE funded projects.The good news is DGE HO Peng and senior management have already given high commendations to this gravity-physics gold innergy award proposal on 03May 2012 during the PS21 presentation.Collaborations:
Join me ?
Year 1
Year 2
1 Discussion with collaborating 5 schools & 25 teachers
2 Case Study Design / Plan
3 Literature review
4 Finalise case study plan
5 Preparation for study
6 Discussion with collaborating 5 schools & 25 teachers
7 Resource development
8 Training
9 Implementation
10 Data collection
11 Data collation
12 Discussion with collaborating 5 schools & 25 teachers
13 Data analyse
14 Preliminary report
15 Investigate possibilities
16 Write paper proposals
17 Discussion with collaborating 5 schools & 25 teachers
18 Final reporting
19 Mass briefing sharing or workshop
20 Scale up research to 22 schools invitation to use lesson packages
21 Journals published ( peer review to paper editing to publish typically take 6 months to 1 year thus it is not realistic to pay out in duration of project of 12 months )
End Date: 31 March 2014Case Support
Title: Gravity-Physics by Inquiry Proposed Start Date and Completion Date: 01 Jan 2013 – 31 Dec 2013
The purpose of this research is to develop computer models with appriopriate pedagogical features (Wee, 2012; Wee, et al., 2012) to enable engaging and effective physics by inquiry (L. McDermott, et al., 1995; Wee, et al., 2011) on abstract concepts in gravity (SEAB, 2010a, 2010b). Rationale:
In the study of Newtonian invisible and theoretical gravity concepts, the collection of scientific data is key to enactment of essential features of inquiry (Eick, et al., 2005). Word problem solving 'pedagogy' (Ng & Lee, 2009) is not only a pedagogical mismatch (L. C. McDermott, 1993), sending students on field trips into outer-space is also untenable from safety and economic standpoints. Thus, some researchers have created simulations (Lindsey, 2012; PhET, 2011) to allow multiple visualization (Gilbert, 2010; Wong, et al., 2011) of these difficult concepts but they are meant for their own specific context. Therefore, our research aims to develop customized computer models (Wee & Mak, 2009) that are not only tailored to the Singapore syllabus but will be free, based on astronomical data, with pedagogical features and research validated. These new computer models serves to support the enactment of scientific work that are inquiry-centric and evidence-based that we argue are more likely to promote enjoyment of experiencing physics than tradtional pen paper problem solving. Our MOE useable research question lies in the 1) pedagogical design ideas-principles of computer models (Wee, 2012; Wee, et al., 2012) and 2) scaling up (Dede, 2007) principles of these inquiry-enabled computer models that emerged from this study with the aim to benefit the 22 pre-universities centres across the nation and beyond. Specific Objectives:
- To conduct a literature review of existing efforts to use computer models in the area of gravity physics, for inquiry-based learning.
- Design and further customize gravity physics computer models to suit inquiry-based learning
- Co-Design activities with teachers with use with computer models
- Implement inquiry learning lessons in schools with research focus
- Synthsize report and recommend further actions for MOE
- Scaling up (Dede, 2007) or translation research (Brabeck, 2008)
- Publish 1 or 2 peer-reviewed journals and share research with all Singapore physics teachers through free assess to journal articles
Research Design and Methods:
- Literature Review on the state of simulations use in educational gravity physics.
- Literature Review of the pedagogical designs in existing educational gravity physics
- Stage 1 of Implementation of sound pedagogical designs into proposal’s computer models
- Discussion with teachers on these computer model design and customization needed for they to use the lesson packages more effectively.
- Stage 2 of Implementation of sound pedagogical designs into proposal’s computer models
- Co-design Lesson package with teachers
- Implementation of lesson package
- Lesson video recording and observation
- FGD Discussion with students and teachers
- Stage 3 of Implementation of sound pedagogical designs into proposal’s computer models
- Journal Paper publishing
- Report writing to inform MOE with findings and recommendations
- Scale up lesson packages to 22 pre-universities centre in Singapore
- Workshop and Mass briefing
- Stage 4 of enhanced pedagogical designs into proposal’s computer models
Comparative Advantage of Design:Table 1: Comparative Advantage of Design of exisiting software (Left) and the proposal’s (Right) original computer model (Right Top) and the level of research and customization to a new computer model (Right Bottom)
Figure 1. Solar System 3D Simulator byScience Fair Projects World fromhttp://download.cnet.com/3D-Solar-System/3000-2054_4-10137866.html?tag=rbxcrdl1 suitable for visualization but lack scientific data necessary for inquiry learning such as missing key variables like time lapsed, ability to create a new planet etc
Figure 2. Kepler System Model (Timberlake, 2010) (top) and our customized model (Timberlake & Wee, 2011) (lower) our model is focused and can simulate all planets moving at the same time, better graphics of the planets, can create new planet key for inquiry learning.
Figure 4. Earth and Moon Model (Esquembre, 2010b) (top) and our customized model (Wee & Esquembre, 2010) (lower) the customization created to focus learning and teaching objectives without complicated controls, with references made to geographic location of Singapore.
No existing simulation that covers this aspect of gravity concepts. This is the closest related concept on electric fields
Figure 5. Phet Charges and Fields that allows related concepts to gravity masses and fields and potential visualization
Figure 6. Point Charge Electric Field in 1D Model (Duffy, 2009) (top) and our customized model (Duffy & Wee, 2010a) (lower) notice play button is previous not available and additional potential V or φ concept.
Figure 7. Gravity 1.3 by Uranisofthttp://www.uranisoft.com/gravity/ shows a Earth Moon Model (left) and an escape velocity from Earth (right) lack scientific data, 3D visualization engine and looks outdated though we did not evaluate the full software, we report only the information available on their website.
Figure 8. Point Charge Electric Field in 1D Model (Duffy, 2009) (top) and our customized model (Duffy & Wee, 2010b) (lower) notice real astronomical data are programmed as that the values reflect actual numerical calculated from actual experimental and theoretical experiments.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- To complete a literature review of existing efforts to use computer models in the area of gravity physics, for inquiry learning.
- Design and further customize 4 gravity physics computer models to suit inquiry learning
- Co-Design activities with teachers with use with computer models
- Implement inquiry learning lessons in schools with research focus
- Synthsize report and recommend further actions for MOE
- Publish 1 or 2 peer-reviewed journals and share research with all Singapore physics teachers through free assess to journal articles
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- MOE. (2012). MOE Innergy Awards: MOE Innergy (HQ) Awards Winners : Gold Award :Educational Technology Division and Academy of Singapore Teachers: Gravity-Physics by Inquiry Retrieved 25 May, 2012, from http://www.excelfest.com/award
- Nancheva, N., & Stoyanov, S. (2005). Simulations laboratory in Physics Distance Education. Paper presented at the Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning (EPS - MPTL 10), Berlin.
- Ng, S. F., & Lee, K. (2009). The Model Method: Singapore Children's Tool for Representing and Solving Algebraic Word Problems. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 40(3), 32.
- Osborne, R. J., & Gilbert, J. K. (1980). A technique for exploring students' views of the world. Physics Education, 15(6), 376.
- Perkins, K., Adams, W., Dubson, M., Finkelstein, N., Reid, S., Wieman, C., & LeMaster, R. (2006). PhET: Interactive Simulations for Teaching and Learning Physics. The Physics Teacher, 44(1), 18-23. doi: 10.1119/1.2150754
- PhET. (2011). The Physics Education Technology (PhET) project at the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA fromhttp://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/category/physics
- Sánchez, J., Esquembre, F., Martín, C., Dormido, S., Dormido-Canto, S., Canto, R. D., . . . Urquía, A. (2005). Easy java simulations: An open-source tool to develop interactive virtual laboratories using MATLAB/Simulink. International Journal of Engineering Education, 21(5 PART I AND II), 798-813.
- SEAB. (2010a). Physics Higher 1 2011 8866. Retrieved from GCE A-Level Syllabuses Examined in 2011 website:http://www.seab.gov.sg/aLevel/20102011Syllabus/8866_2011.pdf
- SEAB. (2010b). Physics Higher 2 2011 9646. Retrieved from GCE A-Level Syllabuses Examined in 2011 website:http://www.seab.gov.sg/aLevel/20102011Syllabus/9646_2011.pdf
- Sokoloff, D. R., Laws, P. W., & Thornton, R. K. (2007). RealTime Physics: active learning labs transforming the introductory laboratory. European Journal of Physics, 28, S83.
- Sokoloff, D. R., & Thornton, R. K. (1997). Using interactive lecture demonstrations to create an active learning environment. The Physics Teacher, 35(6), 340-347. doi: 10.1119/1.2344715
- Thornton, R. K., & Sokoloff, D. R. (1990). Learning motion concepts using real-time microcomputer-based laboratory tools. American Journal of Physics, 58(9), 858-867. doi: 10.1119/1.16350
- Thornton, R. K., & Sokoloff, D. R. (1998). Assessing student learning of Newton's laws: The Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation and the Evaluation of Active Learning Laboratory and Lecture Curricula. American Journal of Physics, 66(4), 338-352. doi: 10.1119/1.18863
- Timberlake, T. (2010). Kepler System Model 1.0. from http://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=9757&DocID=1451
- Timberlake, T., & Wee, L. K. (2011). Ejs Open Source Kepler 3rd Law System Model Java Applet 1.0. fromhttp://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/ntnujava/index.php?topic=2225.0
- Watts, D. M. (1982). Gravity - don't take it for granted! Physics Education, 17(3), 116.
- Wee, L. K. (2012). One-dimensional collision carts computer model and its design ideas for productive experiential learning. Physics Education, 47(3), 301.
- Wee, L. K., Chew, C., Goh, G. H., Tan, S., & Lee, T. L. (2012). Using Tracker as a pedagogical tool for understanding projectile motion. Physics Education, 47(4), 448.
- Wee, L. K., & Esquembre, F. (2010). Ejs Open Source Geostationary Satellite around Earth Java Applet 1.0. fromhttp://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/ntnujava/index.php?topic=1877.0
- Wee, L. K., Lee, T. L., & Goh, J. (2011, 10 November). Physics by Inquiry with Simulations Design for Learning Paper presented at the The Academy Symposium, Singapore.
- Wee, L. K., & Mak, W. K. (2009, 02 June). Leveraging on Easy Java Simulation tool and open source computer simulation library to create interactive digital media for mass customization of high school physics curriculum. Paper presented at the 3rd Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
- Wong, D., Sng, P. P., Ng, E. H., & Wee, L. K. (2011). Learning with multiple representations: an example of a revision lesson in mechanics. Physics Education, 46(2), 178.
Project Artifacts
Simulations download via the dropbox links
- author: timberlake and lookang prototype: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44365627/lookangEJSworkspace/export/ejs_KeplerSystem3rdLaw09.jar, avaliable here https://sg.iwant2study.org/ospsg/index.php/interactive-resources/physics/02-newtonian-mechanics/08-gravity/241-gravity09
- author: lookang and andrew based on andrew duffy early mode lhttps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44365627/lookangEJSworkspace/export/ejs_model_GField_and_Potential_1D_v8wee.jar replaced by JavaScript version https://sg.iwant2study.org/ospsg/index.php/interactive-resources/physics/02-newtonian-mechanics/08-gravity/57-gravity05
- author: lookang and andrew based on andrew duffy early model https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44365627/lookangEJSworkspace/export/ejs_model_GFieldandPotential1Dv7EarthMoon.jar replaced by JavaScript version https://sg.iwant2study.org/ospsg/index.php/interactive-resources/physics/02-newtonian-mechanics/08-gravity/63-gravity11
- author: lookang based on the works of paco https://dl.dropbox.com/u/44365627/lookangEJSworkspace/export/ejs_EarthAndSatelite.jar replaced by JavaScript version https://sg.iwant2study.org/ospsg/index.php/interactive-resources/physics/02-newtonian-mechanics/08-gravity/62-gravity10
Worksheets download:
- worksheets by (lead) YJC: same link of four simulations https://www.dropbox.com/s/53vztw6meupn4r5/GravitationYJC.zip
- scaling IJC: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44365627/eduLabJava2012-2013/Gravity/GravitationIJC2013.zip
Enriched Learning Playlist through open source physics ?
Behave like a Scientist Playlist through open source physics ?
Why Should singapore Schools use open source physics by IJC students mp4 version
student interviews for OSP Playlist
Research Interview Questions
Warm up Q: Describe briefly how does these computer simulations lessons differ from your previous “gravity” lessons? Briefly describe one part which you enjoy the most and one part which you enjoy the least.
RQ1: You should have played with games or simulations related to education. Compared to those games and simulations, describe what you like about the design of the
1.1 geostationary simulation
1.2 solar system simulation
1.3 Two mass gravity and potential simulation
1.4 earth-moon escape velocity simulation
RQ2: What features (if any) that you think help you to visualize and understand physics better than lecture notes, books, or other simulations that you have tried?
2.1 geostationary simulation
2.2 solar system simulation
2.3 Two mass gravity and potential simulation
2.4 earth-moon escape velocity simulation
RQ3: What other areas for improvement would you suggest for these simulations?
3.1 geostationary simulation
3.2 solar system simulation
3.3 Two mass gravity and potential simulation
3.4 earth-moon escape velocity simulation
RQ4: Did the FOUR simulations allow you to experience ‘rich’ learning? Briefly describe how you consider learning with these simulations to have enriched your learning.
RQ5: Did the simulations help you to
1. Collect data ((Explores possibilities and generates ideas)
2. Analyse data ((Exercises sound reasoning and decision making)
3. Creative and critical thinking (Manages complexities and ambiguities), like a scientist?
If so, describe the most significant moment during the lessons where you felt like a scientist in using the simulations.
Workshops TRASI course code 70388 Gravity – Physics by Inquiry
TRASI course code 70388 Gravity – Physics by Inquiry

1. Wee Loo Kang
2. Lye Sze Yee
Facilitator: YU Yoong Kheong
Venue: eduLab@AST 2 Malan Road Level 4 eduLab Room
Date: 23 Oct 2012
Time: 1500-1730 pm
Workshop: Comprises both discussion and activities
Subject Area: Physics
Grade Level: PSLE, O and A level
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updated: TRASI course code 70388 Gravity – Physics by Inquiry https://traisi.moe.gov.sg/Utility/UT_Default.asp |
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TRASI course code 70388 Gravity – Physics by Inquiry https://traisi.moe.gov.sg/Utility/UT_Default.asp |
Gravity – Physics by Inquiry | ||||||
(70388) | ||||||
Course Description | Org Agency | Duration | Classes Available (Please Click on a Date) | Max Class Size | Course/ Class Fee | Comments |
Objective: By the end of the session, participants should be able to: (1) aware of the features and possible usage of the 4 computer models (2) able to design worksheets with 5E instructional strategy on one of the models. Preferred Participants: Physics Teachers Other Requisites: Nil |
Media Dsgn & Tech For Learning,ETD,MOE | 2.5 Hr(s) | 23/10/2012-23/10/2012 (PM Session)![]() ![]() |
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undefined |
eduLab@AST Programmes Working Group Programme Proposal
Gravity – Physics by Inquiry
The Open Source Physics community using Easy Java Simulation (Esquembre, 2004) has created hundreds of computer models (simulations) that could be finer customized (Wee & Mak, 2009) to the Singapore syllabus for more targeted productive activities.
We will share the 4 computer models’ features for guided inquiry learning and existing worksheets designed by teachers in school.
Teachers in groups will also design their own worksheets using the 5E instructional strategy that they can use in their classroom.
Participants interested in using the free authoring toolkit called “Easy Java Simulation” can register for Physics Easy Java Simulation (Part 1 & 2) TRASI Code: 70391 instead.
Our work include:
eduLab project: NRF2011-EDU001-EL001 Java Simulation Design for Teaching and Learning
2012 MOE Innergy (HQ) GOLD Award “Gravity-Physics by Inquiry”.
By the end of the session, participants should be able to:
(1) aware of the features and possible usage of the 4 computer models
(2) able to design worksheets with 5E instructional strategy on one of the models.
15 min: Introduction of Easy Java Simualtion (EJS) toolkit and the Digital Libraries.
download: EJS_4.3.7_120920.zip
- http://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/ntnujava/ hundreds of EJS simulations, JDK applet etc.
- http://www.compadre.org/osp/search/browse.cfm?browse=gsss hundreds of EJS simulations
- http://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/ntnujava/index.php?board=28.0 my own library require login to download jar files, public can view and use using browser.
- https://sites.google.com/site/lookang/ eduLab simulations open access.
- https://sites.google.com/a/moe.edu.sg/physicsalevel/gravitational-field currently require login google moe.edu.sg, i am trying to build a lesson package on gravity-physics with all icon users.
- https://sites.google.com/a/moe.edu.sg/physicshandbook/ currently require login google moe.edu.sg Physics Handbook with ETD-AST-CPDD-Schools.
30 min: Sharing in depth of 4 gravity-physics computer models (computer models provided, writeup of innergy award worksheets for inquiry etc)
- computer models
Geostationary orbit model (Wee, 2012a; Wee & Esquembre, 2010) derived from Francisco’s original work (Esquembre, 2010a) |
Two mass model (Wee, Duffy, & Hwang, 2012a) derived from Andrew’s original work (Duffy, 2009) showing a 2 mass system with gravitational and potential lines in 1 dimension |
- ejs_GFieldandPotential1Dv7EarthMoon.jar (1579k)
- ejs_EarthAndSatelite.jar (2456k)
- ejs_KeplerSystem3rdLaw03.jar (2782k)
- ejs_GField_and_Potential_1D_v7wee.jar (1094k)
- worksheet are 2011 version from YJC here in ICT connection portal lesson examples.
- Virtual Laboratory of Kepler's Third Law Solar System Model Download All Resources required edumall2.0 login
- Virtual Laboratory of Geostationary Satellite around Earth Model Download All Resources required edumall2.0 login
- Virtual Laboratory Gravitational Field & Potential of Earth and Moon Download All Resources required edumall2.0 login
- Virtual Laboratory Gravitational Field & Potential of 2 Mass Model Download All Resources required edumall2.0 login
- Writeup:
- http://weelookang.blogspot.sg/2012/01/gravity-physics-by-inquiry-2012-innergy.html
- https://ideas.moe.gov.sg/InnDisplay.aspx?award=6d088553b5b5ebbb75df36e9d9ebfdc1
- Gravity - Physics by Inquiry, GOLD Innergy Award: 2012, 03 May 2012, 0940-1000
- 模拟软件让课堂“动”起来(2012-03-30)
- Short article on Innergy Project for ASPIRE magazine (May 2012)
- lift posters Innergy (HQ) Awards 2012 Gravity Physics by Inquiry
- Innergy award GOLD 2012
- 1st Physics Subject Chapter Meeting 2012 23 Feb
- Gravity-Physics by Inquiry 2012 Innergy Award Submission
15 min: Study the existing worksheets designed by school teachers
30 min: in Groups, design an worksheet with the 5E instructional strategy on one of the 4 models
![]() |
taken from http://sisltportfolio.missouri.edu/ssg392/bscs5eexecsummary.pdf |
30 min: Participants sharing their ideas on the worksheets designed using 5E instructional strategy
15 min: Upload to NTNU Java Virtual Lab the worksheets in progress and Closing discussions by particpants with presenters
- Ejs Open Source Gravitational Field & Potential of Earth and Moon Java Applet required NTNU java login
- Ejs Open Source Gravitational Field & Potential of 2 Mass Java Applet required NTNU java login
- Ejs Open Source Geostationary Satellite around Earth Java Applet required NTNU java login
- Ejs Open Source Kepler 3rd Law System Model Java Applet required NTNU java login
icon https://sites.google.com/a/moe.edu.sg/physicsalevel/gravitational-field
Relevant pedagogical and theoretical underpinning(s)
Experiential learning (Dewey, 1958; Kolb, 1984) with computer model (Wolfgang Christian, Esquembre, & Barbato, 2011; Wee, 2012b)
Literature include:
Open Source Physics OSP research:(M. Belloni, Christian, & Brown, 2007; Mario Belloni, Christian, & Mason, 2009; Brown & Christian, 2011; W. Christian, Belloni, & Brown, 2006; Wolfgang Christian, et al., 2011; Wolfgang Christian & Tobochnik, 2010; Esquembre, 2004; Hwang & Esquembre, 2003; Wee, 2010, 2012a; Wee, Esquembre, & Lye, 2012; Wee & Mak, 2009)
Physics Education Technology PhET research:(W. K. Adams, 2010; Wendy K. Adams, Paulson, & Wieman, 2008; Finkelstein et al., 2005; /Documents%20and%20Settings/Temp/Desktop/Forms_eduLab@AST%20Educatorswee2.docx#_ENREF_17" style="color: rgb(124, 147, 161); font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif; font-size: 13.2px; line-height: 18.48px;">K. Perkins et al., 2006; K. K. Perkins, Loeblein, & Dessau, 2010; PhET, 2011; Weiman & Perkins, 2005; C. E. Wieman, Adams, Loeblein, & Perkins, 2010; Carl E. Wieman, Adams, & Perkins, 2008; Carl E. Wieman, Perkins, & Adams, 2008)
Strategy include :
Physics by Inquiry (McDermott, Shaffer, & Rosenquist, 1995; MOE, 2012; Wee, Lee, & Goh, 2011)
Modeling Instruction (Jackson, Dukerich, & Hestenes, 2008)
Student outcome:
In my paper (Wee, 2012b, p. 306), evidence on student learning outcomes include:
“…[It] is an eye opener...[we] don’t usually get to learn with virtual learning environment…and it makes learning fun and interesting”.
“The lesson was fun and makes us think instead of just listen[ing] to teacher and remember[ing] whatever the teacher said”.
“It makes learning much more interesting and fun. It makes us want to learn and find out more about the topic”.
Need experience to understand
“…it [this lab] lets me figure out the concepts rather than just listen[ing] and believing what is taught without understanding”.
“Normally people would have to experience any physics concepts themselves through hands[-]on to really remember concepts. Lectures on the other hand may not be effective since maybe what the lecturer is bringing through us is unclear, and thus practical lessons to learn concepts is a great learning deal”.
Simulation can support inquiry learning and thinking like real scientist
“These kinds of lesson force us to think critically. It makes us look at the results, analyze and then find the trend within, which is a really good way to learn independently. It also gives us confidence and a sense of accomplishment when the conclusions we arrive at are correct.”
“Such vlab[virtual lab] lesson effectively utilizes the IT[information technology] resources to enhance lessons, making physics lessons less dry. Besides, by identifying trends in values first hand, I can remember it easier rather than via lecture notes and slides”
Need for strong inquiry learning activities
“The activity worksheet did not generate much thinking and concept understanding, just simply presents a set of values to copy to get the answers”.
“It [virtual lab] helps hasten the process of learning but the exchange of data [in the worksheet activities] is troublesome”.
Need for testing and well designed simulation (N. D. Finkelstein, et al., 2005)
Some students suggest visual and audio enhancements like “better quality so that the simulations could be more interesting and appealing” and “add sound effects”.
A good suggestion surface is to make the “program[simulation] designed as a game , thereby making it more interactive. At the end a table can be provided and it would provide us[students] with the values. From there, we do analysis”.
This suggestion has inspired us to design ‘C Game for concept testing’ in earlier part III.
“I[student] really thank you for spending time coming up with this program[simulation]. You are really an educator who cares and dares to try new things. Thanks! Hope you can come up with even better programs so that they can empower students in physics subject.”
“Thank you teachers for spending time to develop this app[lication] :)”
Intended benefit(s) to teachers
Allow teachers to design productive experiential activities around the investigative data collection on one of the 4 computer models.
1. Wee Loo Kang
2. Lye Sze Yee
Venue: eduLab@AST 2 Malan Road Level 4 eduLab Room
Date: 23 Oct 2012
Time: 1500-1730 pm
Workshop: Comprises both discussion and activities
Subject Area: Physics
Grade Level: PSLE, O and A level
My research papers:
My CV:
- Adams, W. K. (2010). Student engagement and learning with PhET interactive simulations. NUOVO CIMENTO- SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA SEZIONE C, 33(3), 21-32.
- Adams, W. K., Paulson, A., & Wieman, C. E. (2008, July 23-24). What Levels of Guidance Promote Engaged Exploration with Interactive Simulations? Paper presented at the Physics Education Research Conference, Edmonton, Canada.
- Belloni, M., Christian, W., & Brown, D. (2007). Open Source Physics Curricular Material for Quantum Mechanics. Computing In Science And Engineering, 9(4), 24-31.
- Belloni, M., Christian, W., & Mason, B. (2009). Open Source and Open Access Resources for Quantum Physics Education. [Abstract]. Journal of Chemical Education, 86(1), 125-126.
- Brown, D., & Christian, W. (2011, Sept 15-17). Simulating What You See. Paper presented at the MPTL 16 and HSCI 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Christian, W., Belloni, M., & Brown, D. (2006). An Open-Source XML Framework for Authoring Curricular Material. Computing In Science And Engineering, 8(5), 51-58.
- Christian, W., Esquembre, F., & Barbato, L. (2011). Open Source Physics. Science, 334(6059), 1077-1078. doi: 10.1126/science.1196984
- Christian, W., & Tobochnik, J. (2010). Augmenting AJP articles with computer simulations. American Journal of Physics, 78(9), 885-886.
- Dewey, J. (1958). Experience and nature: Dover Pubns.
- Esquembre, F. (2004). Easy Java Simulations: A software tool to create scientific simulations in Java. Computer Physics Communications, 156(2), 199-204.
- Finkelstein, N. D., Adams, W. K., Keller, C. J., Kohl, P. B., Perkins, K. K., Podolefsky, N. S., . . . LeMaster, R. (2005). When Learning about the Real World is Better Done Virtually: A Study of Substituting Computer Simulations for Laboratory Equipment. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 1(1), 010103.
- Hwang, F. K., & Esquembre, F. (2003). Easy java simulations: An interactive science learning tool. Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer - Enhanced Learning, 5.
- Jackson, J., Dukerich, L., & Hestenes, D. (2008). Modeling Instruction: An Effective Model for Science Education. [Article]. Science Educator, 17(1), 10-17.
- Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development: Prentice Hall.
- McDermott, L., Shaffer, P., & Rosenquist, M. (1995). Physics by inquiry: John Wiley & Sons New York.
- MOE. (2012). MOE Innergy Awards: MOE Innergy (HQ) Awards Winners : Gold Award :Educational Technology Division and Academy of Singapore Teachers: Gravity-Physics by Inquiry Retrieved 25 May, 2012, from http://www.excelfest.com/award
- Perkins, K., Adams, W., Dubson, M., Finkelstein, N., Reid, S., Wieman, C., & LeMaster, R. (2006). PhET: Interactive Simulations for Teaching and Learning Physics. The Physics Teacher, 44(1), 18-23. doi: 10.1119/1.2150754
- Perkins, K. K., Loeblein, P. J., & Dessau, K. L. (2010). Sims For Science. [Article]. Science Teacher, 77(7), 46-51.
- PhET. (2011). The Physics Education Technology (PhET) project at the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA fromhttp://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/category/physics
- Wee, L. K. (2010, July 17-21). AAPT 2010 Conference Presentation:Physics Educators as Designers of Simulations. Paper presented at the 2012 AAPT Summer Meeting, Portland Oregon USA.
- Wee, L. K. (2012a, Feb 4-8). AAPT 2012 Conference Presentation:Physics Educators as Designers of Simulations. Paper presented at the 2012 AAPT Winter Meeting, Ontario CA USA.
- Wee, L. K. (2012b). One-dimensional collision carts computer model and its design ideas for productive experiential learning. Physics Education, 47(3), 301.
- Wee, L. K., Esquembre, F., & Lye, S. Y. (2012). Ejs open source java applet 1D collision carts with realistic collision fromhttp://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/ntnujava/index.php?topic=2408.0
- Wee, L. K., Lee, T. L., & Goh, J. (2011, 10 November). Physics by Inquiry with Simulations Design for Learning Paper presented at the The Academy Symposium, Singapore.
- Wee, L. K., & Mak, W. K. (2009, 02 June). Leveraging on Easy Java Simulation tool and open source computer simulation library to create interactive digital media for mass customization of high school physics curriculum. Paper presented at the 3rd Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
- Weiman, C., & Perkins, K. (2005). Transforming Physics Education. Physics Today, 58(11), 36-40.
- Wieman, C. E., Adams, W. K., Loeblein, P., & Perkins, K. K. (2010). Teaching Physics Using PhET Simulations. Physics Teacher, 48(4), 225-227.
- Wieman, C. E., Adams, W. K., & Perkins, K. K. (2008). PhET: Simulations That Enhance Learning. [Article]. Science, 322(5902), 682-683.
- Wieman, C. E., Perkins, K. K., & Adams, W. K. (2008). Oersted Medal Lecture 2007: Interactive simulations for teaching physics: What works, what doesn't, and why. American Journal of Physics, 76(4), 393-399. doi: 10.1119/1.2815365
update 07 feb email deleted
Journal Papers
- Wee, L. K., & Goh, G. H. (2013). A geostationary Earth orbit satellite model using Easy Java Simulation. Physics Education, 48(1), 72. doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/48/1/72 arXiv:1212.3863 [pdf] [1212.3863iopgeostationary.pdf]
MOE Publication
- Wee L.K. (2013) Open Source Physics, i in Practice 1(1), p. 58-63, Ministry of Education.[PDF] [iinpracticeOpen Source Physics_PG58-63_lr.pdf]
Conference Paper and Presentations
MOE Innergy Awards GOLD 2012
Software Requirements
FAQ: Gravity Physics by Inquiry with Computer Simulations
- What is the main goal of the "Gravity Physics by Inquiry" project?
- The project aims to improve the teaching and learning of Newtonian gravity concepts through the use of customized computer simulations. It moves away from traditional word problem-solving approaches, which are considered pedagogically ineffective for this topic, and seeks to provide a more inquiry-centric, evidence-based, and engaging learning experience for students. The core idea is to allow students to "experience" gravity physics, rather than simply reading about it. This involves using simulations that are tailored to the Singaporean syllabus, based on astronomical data, and free for use.
- Why were computer simulations chosen as a teaching tool instead of traditional methods or real-life experiments?
- Traditional methods like solving word problems are seen as a pedagogical mismatch for the nature of gravity concepts, and real-life experiments, like going into space, are not feasible due to safety and economic constraints. While existing simulations were available, they often didn't fit the specific context of the Singaporean curriculum. Therefore, customized simulations were developed to facilitate multiple visualizations of gravity concepts, specifically designed for inquiry learning and student engagement. These tools allow for safe and accessible exploration of complex phenomena.
- How are these computer simulations customized for the Singaporean context? The computer simulations are specifically tailored to the Singaporean syllabus, meaning they align with the learning objectives and topics covered in the national curriculum. They are built using astronomical data, making the simulation based in real-world observations, and are designed to allow for inquiry learning to support student's discovery process. Furthermore, the simulations are free and rapidly prototyped using the Easy Java Simulation authoring toolkit.
- What is the 'inquiry-centric' approach used in the project, and how does it differ from traditional physics teaching?
- The 'inquiry-centric' approach encourages students to behave like scientists by actively collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data within the simulations. This contrasts with traditional methods where students often receive information passively through lectures or textbooks, relying on memorization and rote problem solving. The inquiry approach aims to inspire imagination and promote a deeper understanding by having students actively explore possibilities and come to conclusions based on the evidence generated in the simulation rather than accepting the word of authority.
- What kind of computer simulations were developed for this project, and what are their key features?
- Four customized computer simulations were developed, all using the Easy Java Simulation toolkit. These include models for a:
- Geostationary orbit model: Allows students to explore the characteristics and requirements for geostationary satellites.
- Two-mass gravity and potential model: Provides visualization of gravitational fields and potential lines for two masses.
- Earth-Moon escape velocity model: A one-dimensional representation of the Earth and moon system, enabling students to explore the escape velocity concept.
- Kepler's 3rd law model: Demonstrates the motion of planets, allowing data collection to explore planetary periods.
- Key features of these simulations include customizable controls for variables, based on real astronomical data, and are specifically tailored to the learning objectives within the syllabus, enabling students to create their own planets or modify existing ones.
- How is teacher involvement integrated into the design and implementation of this project?
- The project includes co-design activities with teachers, building school capacity in planning and implementation of ICT-enabled inquiry pedagogy. This collaborative approach ensures the simulations and lesson packages are relevant and user-friendly for classroom use. Teachers are involved in customizing the simulations, designing worksheets and activities, and providing feedback on the effectiveness of the models.
- What is the 5E instructional strategy and how is it incorporated into this project?
- The 5E instructional strategy is a learning cycle model, comprised of five phases: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. During the workshops for teachers, they designed worksheets that were meant to incorporate this model into instruction. Teachers were encouraged to design their own worksheets using the 5E model as a guide, so that the lesson was thoughtfully built, leading students through a learning progression and ensuring deeper comprehension.
- How will the research and findings of this project be shared with the broader educational community?
- The project plans to publish findings in peer-reviewed journals, making the research accessible to all Singapore physics teachers for free. There is also an aim to create a Singapore National digital library of computer models, based on the Open Source Physics toolkit, that is licensed under Creative Commons to benefit educators globally. This commitment to open educational resources and sharing research findings contributes to the wider adoption of effective teaching methods.