updated 20250117 by HL
Sample Learning Goals
Project 12b: WebEJS workshop SLS Design Considerations Video based interactive by HuayLee
Enhancing communication of SLS Lesson Design with Video-Based Interactive produced during the WebEJS Workshops
In the evolving landscape of education, the integration of technology in lesson design has become pivotal. A recent WebEJS workshop focused on SLS (Singapore Learning Space) lesson design considerations, particularly on how video-based interactive content can significantly enhance teaching and learning experiences
The Workshop at a Glance
The workshop aimed at equipping educators with the skills to embed appropriate multimodal media into their lessons. One of the key takeaways was the concept of fostering conceptual change by leveraging technology. The interactive sessions were designed to help teachers effectively convey complex concepts and skills using a blend of videos, animations, and other digital media.
Content Design Considerations
The presentation of the content from the 6 Areas of Language Learning should be
- Student-friendly (age-appropriate)
- Student-captivating
- In bite-size chunks
Pedagogical Design Considerations
Presentation of learning should
- Be systematic and explicit
- Incorporate Gradual Release of Responsibility
- Promote active learning
Key Applications of Technology in SLS Lesson Design
The video-based interactive content created during the workshop highlighted several core principles of effective lesson design for Primary English Language SLS modules:
Support Assessment for Learning: The use of video tools to provide immediate feedback and scaffold learning experiences.
Foster Conceptual Change: Embedding multimodal media to challenge students' preconceptions and facilitate a deeper understanding of concepts.
Provide Differentiation: Tailoring content to meet the diverse needs of learners through various interactive media.
Facilitate Learning Together: Encouraging collaboration among students using shared digital resources.
Develop Metacognition: Helping students to think about their own thinking processes and strategies using reflective video prompts.
Enable Personalization: Allowing students to interact with content at their own pace, fostering personalized learning journeys.
Embed Scaffold for Learning: Using video tutorials and step-by-step guides to support student learning progressively.
- Increase Motivation: Providing meaningful tasks with sufficient challenge for students to take ownership and persist in their learning.
Video-Based Interactive: A Focus on Conceptual Change
One of the standout features of the workshop was the emphasis on fostering conceptual change through the use of videos. The example presented during the session illustrated how a teacher can embed appropriate multimodal media into lessons to effectively convey concepts and skills. The visual representation and dynamic content help to engage students more effectively than traditional methods.
Practical Application in SLS
Participants were encouraged to apply what they learned by creating their own video-based interactives using WebEJS. These interactives were designed to be integrated into SLS lessons, aligning with the core design considerations discussed during the workshop. The hands-on approach ensured that educators not only understood the theory behind effective lesson design but also how to practically implement these strategies in their classrooms.
The WebEJS workshop on SLS lesson design was a valuable experience for educators looking to enhance their teaching with technology. By focusing on video-based interactive content, participants learned how to create more engaging and effective lessons that meet the diverse needs of their students. This workshop underscored the importance of embedding multimodal media into educational content to foster deeper understanding and facilitate conceptual change.
Stay tuned for more updates and resources on how to integrate WebEJS into your teaching practices!
For Teachers
20240718-24 Web EJS beta Workshop by Francisco Esquembre and Félix J. García Clemente supported by MOE CPDD1 Registration for Web EJS Workshop (18-24 July 2024)
Venue: MOEHQ Buona Vista, B3-02 (18 July) P2-01-02 (19,22,23,24 July)
Contact organisers at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Other Resources
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- Details
- Written by Loo Kang Wee
- Parent Category: Interactive Resources
- Category: English Language
- Hits: 865