

Title Modified Date
PICUP EXERCISE 3: IRRADIANCE DUE TO N N  POINT SOURCES AND AN L-SHAPED APERTURE has bug JavaScript Model Simulation Virtual Lab 20 July 2018
Flight Dynamics Gimbal JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 14 August 2018
About OER@SG 15 October 2018
Damai Sec Sec 1 Gardens By The Bay and Sec 2 Sentosa Learning Journey 2018 14 February 2019
National Education Forte E Magazine 14 February 2019
Area and Perimeter PHET 20 August 2019
Geography Resources of CPDD and Schools 10 October 2019
20190603-04 SLS Hackathon ETD-CPDD INN x CSC, 9 Jurong Town Hall Road 15 November 2019
MAthematics PlaySpace by Thong CH 25 February 2020
Nets of Cubes and Cuboids or Rectangle Blocks in 3D WebGL JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 23 March 2020
Zoom Search ReZoom: Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars 06 April 2020
Elasticity of Rubber Bands for a hammock HTML5 Applet Javascript 06 July 2020
Swinging Magnet HTML5 Applet Javascript 03 August 2020
Stacking Ring Magnets HTML5 Applet Javascript 03 August 2020
Riveting and Rotating Paperclip and Magnet to demonstrate magnetism passes through non-magnetic materials HTML5 Applet Javascript 03 August 2020
2019-20 COTF classroom of the future idea on Task Meister X 16 October 2020
PHET Math Fraction Game HTML5 17 January 2021
AC or DC Appliances JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 17 January 2021
John Conway's Game of Life JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 17 January 2021
GameSalad Money Interactive by Shen Baiyue and SK Koh. 17 January 2021
P3/4 Math Addition Game by Martin using Scratch 17 January 2021
Projectile Motion Energy Model 17 January 2021
Static and Kinetic Frictional Model for Primary School Science Inquiry JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 17 January 2021
Static and Kinetic Frictional Model for Primary School Science Inquiry (FVT) JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 17 January 2021
Static and Kinetic Frictional Model for Primary School Science Inquiry (VVT) JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 17 January 2021
Energy Pendulum Model for Primary 17 January 2021
Primary Kinematics in Y direction or Free Fall JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 17 January 2021
Primary Kinematics or Moving Car 1D JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 17 January 2021
Part Part Whole Primary Math Model 17 January 2021
Frictional Model of Mass M = 1 kg Primary JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 17 January 2021
Primary School Numbers from 1 to 100 for learning of properties such as Odd, Even, Multiples and Factors JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 17 January 2021
Primary Maths 3D view of Objects Cone, Pyramid, Cylinder, Sphere on Cuboid JavaScript Model Simulation Applet HTML5 17 January 2021
Tamil Primary 1A Lesson 3 HTML5 JavaScript Interactives 17 January 2021
PICUP Primary Rainbow Deflection Function JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 17 January 2021
Magnet on Car Inquiry Primary Science JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 17 January 2021
SLS Hackathon Example Heat Transfer on Rods Primary School Game HTML5 17 January 2021
SLS Hackathon by Admiralty Primary Shoot Multiples of 2 Game 17 January 2021
SLS Hackathon by Admiralty Primary Subtraction of Apples Game 17 January 2021
SLS Hackathon by Admiralty Primary Carrot Addition Game 17 January 2021
SLS Hackathon by Admiralty Primary Match Past to Present Tense Game 17 January 2021
SLS Hackathon by Yumin Primary on Heat Loss comparing 2 materials 17 January 2021
SLS Hackathon by Yumin Primary on Heat Loss by 3 Materials 17 January 2021
SLS Hackathon by Yumin Primary on Catch the correct Heat Transfer Game 17 January 2021
SLS Hackathon by Maria Stella Primary on Cloze Passage JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 17 January 2021
SLS Hackathon by Yumin Primary on Catch the correct Heat Loss and Gain Game 17 January 2021
SLS Hackathon by Yumin Primary on Heat Gain by 3 Materials 17 January 2021
20190724 Primary Math App Sharing 17 January 2021
Friction with energy for pri sch JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 17 January 2021
Changes of an Electromagnet's Polarity simulation Primary School HTML5 Applet Javascript 17 January 2021
Roller Coaster Simulator JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 01 February 2021