

Title Modified Date
20210716 E2K Maths Mentor Learning Day 1st E2K Maths Mentor Learning Day 2.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. 16 July 2021 31 March 2024
20210830 Digital E2K applications Knights Move 31 March 2024
Suspended Magnet HTML5 Applet Javascript 12 April 2024
Amazing Pendulum Wave Effect JavaScript Model Simulation Applet HTML5 07 May 2024
20240520 1330-1430 CRMW Brown Bag session on Using Web Easy JavaScript Simulation Authoring Toolkit to build simulations for SLS 20 May 2024
2024 0423 20240319 3rdCRMW Sharing on in-house interactive resource development opportunity-networking using Easy JavaScript Simulation 20 May 2024
Hysteresis in a simple V-shaped spring-mass system Simulation created using Claude and GPT4o 27 June 2024
20230327 Brown Bag Educators as Designers of Simulation using Easy JavaScript Simulation authoring toolkit (EJSS) 19 August 2024
Creating a HTML Typing Game: The Journey, Fun Potential, and Educational Impact 08 September 2024
2 Bar Magnets on a level surface for Primary School Science 09 September 2024
Exploring Optimization Through Interactive Pathfinding: A Think-Aloud Math Activity an EJS interactive by Mei Yoke 12 September 2024
Enhancing Primary School Literacy with EJS-Based Word Blending Interactive Tools by Evelyn and HuayLee 13 September 2024
Sep 19 Exploring Optimization with Random position and scaffolded cases Through Interactive Pathfinding: A Think-Aloud Math Activity an EJS interactive by Mei Yoke 19 September 2024