
Junior College

Title Modified Date
X-Ray crystallography JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model by Luo Kangshun, Andy 25 March 2020
Molecular Geometry JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model by Luo Kangshun, Andy 25 March 2020
Organic molecules Javascript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model by Luo Kangshun, Andy 25 March 2020
Zoom Search ReZoom: Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars 06 April 2020
Stereochemistry JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model by Luo Kangshun, Andy 12 May 2020
Angry Bird Tracker activity to determine mass of planet 22 May 2020
7.1.6 Earth Field 2D JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 25 May 2020
Kinematics or Moving Car 1D Model with Tracker Related Kinematics Modeling Capability JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 26 May 2020 Earth Moon Escape Velocity Field Strength One Dimension JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 28 July 2020 Earth Moon Escape Velocity Potential One Dimension JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 28 July 2020 Newton's Mountain and Escape Velocity JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 28 July 2020
Horizontal 3D Circular Motion of Mass on a Table JavaScript WebGL Model 28 July 2020
EJS Falling Magnet Electro Magnetism 3D Model 18 August 2020
2019-20 COTF classroom of the future idea on Task Meister X 16 October 2020
Titration Curve Generator by Grace Leong 16 October 2020
Mass and Spring in Projectile Motion HTML5 JavaScript Simulation by Darren Z Tan 16 October 2020
Mass and Spring in Gravity HTML5 JavaScript Simulation by Darren Z Tan 16 October 2020
Two body Newtonian Gravitation Motion HTML5 JavaScript Simulation by Darren Z Tan 16 October 2020
Rutherford's Atomic and Thomson's Configurable Plum Atomic-Model JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 13 November 2020
2021 Global Online Laboratory Consortium (GOLC) International Online Laboratory Award (Visualized Laboratory category) 13 January 2021
AC or DC Appliances JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 17 January 2021
John Conway's Game of Life JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 17 January 2021
Static and Kinetic Frictional Model for Primary School Science Inquiry (FVT) JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 17 January 2021
Static and Kinetic Frictional Model for Primary School Science Inquiry (VVT) JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 17 January 2021
Energy Pendulum Model for Primary 17 January 2021
E-Pedagogy Conference 'Be Puzzled' Crafting Inquiry Based Lessons (IBL) using EdPuzzle by Syed Ali 04 February 2021
Brownian Motion Gas Model 25 March 2021
Real Time ODE 10 Pendulum JavaScript Model Simulation Applet HTML5 07 April 2021
Real Time Evolution Line Code 10 Pendulum JavaScript Model Simulation Applet HTML5 07 April 2021
20210507 SLS R15 Teaching and Learning features, sharing with AST network 12 May 2021
Sound Wave Longitudinal Wave JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 02 July 2021
Innergy Award Gold 2012 Gravity Physics by Inquiry - Can I investigate the Solar System from my classroom? 26 July 2021
EJS Rotational Pendulum Applet by Fu-Kwun Hwang 01 August 2021
Block Mass 0.1 kg Cooling and Heating Curve with Different Materials and Surface Area Model 31 August 2021
Which ball will reach the bottom of the tracks first? 27 September 2021
Tracker Computational Thinking example on NASA Ingenuity 1st Flight Dynamic Model Step by Step Example 10 November 2021 Virtual Laboratory of 2 Stationary Mass to explore field strengths and potentials JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 29 November 2021
Tracker Analysis and Modeling circular motion and release (break) model to flesh out an Computational Example with Jit Ning 03 December 2021
Amazing Pendulum with Background Wave Effect JavaScript Model Simulation Applet HTML5 07 December 2021
2 Charge Particle Field Lines JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 20 December 2021
Metallic Conductor and Drift Velocity JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 31 December 2021
Fleming Left Hand Rule or Lorentz Force on a wire JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 31 December 2021
Projectile Motion with Y Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration Graph JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 31 December 2021
Three States of Matter JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 15 April 2022
Three State Radioactive Decay JavaScript Model Simulation Applet HTML5 by Fu-Kwun Hwang 23 May 2022
20220713 TagUI Workshop to Civic Service College Colleagues 04 August 2022
Transfer of Thermal Energy: Conduction in Metals and Non-Metals 17 September 2022
Super Powerful Simulator for Two Atoms, Bouncing Ball, Chaotic bouncers, Brownian bar, Hot and Cold, Target, Meteor, Explosion, Diatomic gas, All on Left, Friction, Plucked string, Water balloon, Nano-pinball, Slingshot and Ratchet and Paw JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model 21 October 2022
20230302 Sharing of Analytics x Interactives to Physics Unit O and A level 12 April 2023
Simulation for Penetrating Abilities of Radioactive Emissions - Uses and Hazards of Radioactivity [Sec Phy][2023] 13 April 2023