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This Simulation is to demonstrate how a variable resistor works in a circuit.

-Includes three different worlds (world, diagram, special)

-Dragable rheostat to vary resistance

-Dragable dimmer to vary brightness

-Reset button



Code Language Translator Run


Author name; Fremont Teng

Sample Learning Goals


For Teachers


Instructions on how to use Simulation Applet

Variable Rheostat

Step 1: Drag the rheostat triangle
Dragging it to the right will increase the number of triangles.
Dragging to the left will do the opposite effect.
Step 2: Check the ammeter for the reading.
The ammeter needle will move depending on the position of the triangle.

Toggling Between Views

There are three types of views in this simulation:
(World View)
(Diagram View)
(Special View)
Toggling between the combo box will select the varying views as shown above.

Dimmer Button

Step 1: Turn the knob on the left to adjust the brightness of the bulb



Reset Button

Resets the whole simulation by clicking.






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