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Fu-Kwun Hwang; Fremont Teng; lookang

Sample Learning Goals


For Teachers


Instructions on how to use Simulation Applet

Adjusting the Curvature of the Mirror

This can be done by adjusting the slider 1/f.


(Adjusting to the left will curve the mirror towards the object)


(Adjusting to the right curves the mirror away from the object)
The size of the image's blue triangle and image will adjust according to the curvature of the mirror.

Image Check Box

Toggling the checkbox will toggle the visibility of the image
(Toggling on)


(Toggling off)

Dragging the Object

This can be done by dragging the object (on the left) anywhere on the left.


(examples of the possible dragged locations)

Resizeable Mirror

This can be done by dragging the red boxes across the axis.


Dragging to the left makes the mirror smaller


Dragging to the right makes it bigger
You can also flip the position of the mirror such that it curves on the otherside as well.

Toggling Full Screen

Double click anywhere in the panel to toggle Full Screen

Reset Button

Resets the Simulation






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