NRF2013-EDU001-EL017 invites 2 professors to Singapore
Dear Physics Education colleagues,
We would like to invite you to our Physics Tracker/Open Source Physics Workshop, with hands-on experience, designed for Singapore Teachers.
This is part of the eduLab Project “Becoming Scientists through Video Analysis”, supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF), Ministry of Education (MOE), & National Institute of Education (NIE).
Event: Tracker/Open Source Physics Workshop for Singapore Teachers.
Trainer 1: Professor Douglas Brown, creator of Tracker, video analysis and modeling tool
Trainer 2: Professor Wolfgang Christian, creator of Open Source Physics.
Facilitator 1: WEE Loo Kang Lawrence, Co- Principal Investigator, Educational Technology Division.
Facilitator 2: Leong Tze Kwang, Principal Investigator, Raffles Girls School
Facilitator 3: Ning Hwee Tiang, Co- Principal Investigator., National Junior College
Facilitator 4: Tan Kim Kia, Co- Principal Investigator, Evergreen Secondary
Facilitator 5: Chan Him Nok, Co- Principal Investigator, River Valley High School
Computer Tool 1: Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool
Computer Tool 2: Easy JavaScript Simulation Authoring and Modeling Tool
Participants: maximum of 60 participants may be selected to join the workshop
Cost: Free
Target Group: Physics Teachers, but Mathematics and Chemistry teachers are welcome too.
Date: 26 (Monday) to 29 (Thursday) October 2015
Time: 0900-1700 daily
Note: On one of the days confirmed at 28 October WED 1500-1700 NUS, LT31 (S16-03), participants will attend a 2-hour public lecture by Prof Doug and Prof Wolfgang,organised by Prof Sow S.H. and Prof Kwek L.C, at NUS Science Faculty.
Venue: 2 Malan Road Block J, Level 4, eduLab@AST and IT Room 2
Abstract of Workshops
This 4-day workshop series aims to provide a hands-on bootstrapping experience for participants to model physical systems using Tracker video analysis and modeling tool and Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations authoring and modeling tool (EjsS). Short expositions with practical sessions provide participants with just in time hands-on learning to use these tools.We will discuss the general pedagogical and technical issues in the design and use of video for analysis and modeling, coupled with interactive simulations, anchored on the Framework for K–12 Science Education.
Participants will work in teams, and be mentored on a meaningful task of their choice, to create curriculum materials (such as videos, video models, & Ejss models). All curriculum materials created would be cataloged on the Singapore OSP Digital Librariesand/or Digital Library.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own Windows/MacOSX/Linux laptops with Tracker(installed) and EjsS(unzip and run) in working order.
We invite interested educators to register your interest here. For details please visit this link.
We look forward to meeting you.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Mr WEE Loo Kang Lawrence
Senior Specialist, Technologies for Learning Branch, 14-38, Educational Technology Division • Tel: +65 6879 6526 • Fax: +65 6872 0208
PS: We also have 2 other related workshops that can be signed up via
- Traisi Code: 41152 OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE & OPEN SOURCE PHYSICS SIMULATION Date: 30 Sept 2015 Time: 1430-1730 Venue: eduLab@AST 2 Malan Road
- Trasi Code 41153 USING TRACKER AS A MODEL-BUILDING PEDAGOGICAL TOOL Date: 30 Sept 2015 Date: 12 August 2015 Time: 1430-1730 Venue: eduLab@AST 2 Malan Road
Public Service PS21 Distinguished Star Service Awards PSSSA 2014, MOE Outstanding Innovator Award 2013,Public Service PS21 Excel Awards Best Ideator 2012, MOE excellence service award 2012 ,Academy Awards for Professional Development 2013, 2012 Associate Award, Public Service Excellence in Service Award (EXSA) Star 2013, 2011, Gold 2010, Silver 2009
NRF2013-EDU001-EL017 invites 2 professors to Singapore!
Tracker/Open Source Physics/ComPADRE Workshop for Singapore Teachers
Abstract of Workshops
This 4 day workshop series of workshops provides a hands-on introduction to Tracker video analysis and modeling tool and the Open Source Physics (OSP) Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations (EjsS) to model physical systems. It combines short expositions with practical sessions where participants will work in teams. This workshop will introduce teachers to the Tracker and Opens Source Physics Library and new EjsS-based pedagogic tools (freely available at in the OSP Digital Library: will discuss the general pedagogical and technical issues in the design and use of video for analysis and modeling, coupled with interactive simulations in light of the Framework for K–12 Science Education .
Participants will be mentored on a personally motivating task to create curriculum materials (a series of video, video models, Ejss models etc ) and its distribution mechanisms associated through shared Libraries etc.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops with Tracker installed and test run the EjsS authoring and modeling tool.
Program Outline
Day 1, 26 October 2015, Monday
Beginner’s workshop on the use of Tracker. Overview of ComPADRE, Open Source Physics OSP, OSP@SG and Tracker resources. Introduction to Tracker video analysis, creating and importing video clips, and data analysis using Tracker (projectile motion). Formulate personal curriculum development objectives.Day 2, 27 Oct Tuesday
Intermediate workshop on the use of Tracker. Formulate personal curriculum development objectives. Using analytic and dynamic models to predict motion. Multiple objects (collisions and center or mass). Polar coordinates (simple harmonic and pendulum motion). Continued work on personal curriculum development objectivesDay 3, 28 Oct Wed
Advanced workshop with OSP tools and resources. Use of Easy Java/JavaScript resources to complement Tracker activities. Improve personal curriculum development objectives.NUS Public Lecture: LT31, NUS, Science Faculty
Titles: Tracker, Video Analysis and Modeling Tool and Open Source Physics, Prof Doug and Prof Wolfgang
organised by Prof Sow S.H. and Prof Kwek L.C, at NUS Science Faculty.
Day 4, 29 Oct Thursday
Expert workshop using Tracker and Easy Java/JavaScript Simulation Models.Group Project: Barbie (aka Water Bottles) Bungie.
Packaging and sharing personal curriculum in TRZ and zip files with worksheets to be shared here
Personal curriculum development presentations.
Signup here, only 35 60 successfully participants will be allowed to attend this FREE workshop, selection is based on their ability to be agent of change back in the schools, etc. please email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you really must attend all these 4 days of hands-on workshop and contribute a sample of your tracker file *.TRZ or *.EJSS. I will shortlist you if there are absentees!
Trainer 1: Douglas Brown
Physics Department, Cabrillo College (Emeritus Professor)
945 Pine Tree Ln, Aptos CA 95003
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ph.D., Physics, 1974; University of Colorado, Boulder (Howard Berg, advisor)M.A., Physics, 1970; University of Colorado, Boulder
B.A., Physics, 1968; University of California, Santa Barbara
2009-present: Resource Editor, ComPADRE Open Source Physics Collection. I edit and manage Tracker-based curriculum resources and moderate the Tracker discussion group.2008-present: Emeritus Full Professor and Java Programmer. Since retiring in 2008 I have continued to develop and disseminate the Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool.
2003-2009: Java programmer, Open Source Physics Project, Wolfgang Christian, PI. I developed Java packages for video modeling, video analysis, xml data storage, application launching and data analysis.
1977-2008: Professor and Program Chair, Physics Department, Cabrillo College. I taught all lower-division physics courses, created and developed new courses including a photovoltaics course and a conceptual physics lab course, designed and directed an extensive facilities remodeling project, and created and developed the Physics/Engineering Learning Community described below.
1999-2007: Supervisor, Physics/Engineering Learning Community, Cabrillo College. I trained and supervised a pool of 14-18 student tutors who facilitate group learning activities in a required drop-in physics lab where students of all levels interact.
1998-1999: Lead Content Consultant, Archipelago Productions (Sherrill Meaney, supervisor). I specified and reviewed content of a multimedia physics course and functionality of associated Java applets, animations and videos.
Grants for which I was Principal Investigator
Packard Foundation Grant, 1996: “Digital Video in the Physics Laboratory”NSF ILI Grant, 1994: “Video and Digital Image Processing for Physics Laboratory Instruction”
Keith and Elinor Shaffer Grant, 1991: “Video Image Capture”
PG&E Research Demonstration Grant, 1985: “Photovoltaic Water Pumping”
Douglas Brown, Anne J. Cox: “Innovative Uses of Video Analysis.” The Physics Teacher 47: 145-150 (2009)Mario Belloni, Wolfgang Christian, Douglas Brown: “Open Source Physics Curricular Material for Quantum Mechanics: Dynamics and Measurement of Quantum Two-state Superpositions.” Computing in Science and Engineering 9: 24-31 (2007).
Wolfgang Christian, Mario Belloni, Douglas Brown: “An Open-Source XML Framework for Authoring Curricular Material.” Computing in Science and Engineering 8(5): 51-58 (2006)
Doug Brown, Wolfgang Christian: “XML Documents” Ch 12, “Video” Ch 13; Doug Brown: “Tracker” Ch 16 of Open Source Physics: A User’s Guide with Examples by Wolfgang Christian (2005)
Conference Papers
Sharing Video Experiments with Tracker Digital Libraries, Invited, AAPT Winter 2013, New Orleans USA
Simulating What You See: Combining computer modeling with video analysis, Invited, MPTL16 - HSCI 2011, Fall 2011, Ljubljana Slovenia
Video Modeling with Tracker, Invited, AAPT Summer 2009, Ann Arbor USA
Video Modeling: Combining Dynamic Model Simulations with Traditional Video Analysis, Poster, AAPT Summer 2008, Edmonton Canada
Combining Computational Physics with Video Analysis in Tracker, Poster, AAPT Summer 2007, Greensboro USA
Spectroscopy Using the Tracker Video Analysis Program, Poster, AAPT Summer 2005, Salt Lake USA
Connecting the Dots: Using Tracker's Visualization Tools to Link Models with Reality, Invited, AAPT Summer 2004
Tracker: A Java Video Analysis Package, Tutorial, AAPT Summer 2003
Open Source Video Analysis of Interference Patterns and Spectra, Contributed, AAPT Summer 2003
Open Source Video Analysis, Contributed, AAPT Summer 2002
Digital Video and Virtual Labs, Contributed, AAPT Summer 1997
Digital Video and Special Effects, Contributed, AAPT Summer 1997
Trainer 2: Wolfgang Christian
Brown Professor of PhysicsDavidson College, Box 6926
Davidson, NC 28035
Ph.D.: 1976, North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Dissertation: The Determination of Particle Size Distributions By Small Angle Forward Scattering. Mentor: Dr. Edward ManringB.S. with Honors: 1970, North Carolina State University at Raleigh (Major: Physics; Minor: Mathematics)
Davidson College Appointment History
Physics Dept. Chair 2010 to PresentBrown Professor of Physics 2002 to Present
Professor 1993 to 2002
Davidson Physics Computation Center Director 1991 to Present
Associate Professor 1986 to 1993
Assistant Professor 1983 to 1986
Elected Secretary for the national American Association of Physics Teachers, 2012. Term of service 2013-15.Elected NC Section American Association of Physics Teachers, Vice-President, President-Elect, President, and Past-President 2009-2015.
American Association for the Advancement of Science SPORE Award, 2011.
Pegram Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Physics in the Southeast by the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, 2009.
Computation and Computer-Based Instruction Gordon Research Conference vice-chair and chair, 2004-08
UCES Undergraduate Computational Engineering and Science Award, 2007.
Fellow, American Physical Society, 2006.
Citation: “For his years of dedication and significant contributions to the use of computers in undergraduate physics education, especially for his creation, design and effective use of interactive curricular materials.”
APS Forum on Education Vice-Chair, Chair-Elect. Chair, and Past-Chair. 2001-2004
APS Ad-Hoc committee to establish the APS Excellence in Physics Education Award, 2003-07. Raised $120,000 to endow this award.
American Association of Physics Teachers Award for Distinguished Service, 2003.
Open Source Physics: A User’s Guide with Examples, Wolfgang Christian, Addison-Wesley, (2007)An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods : Applications to Physical System 3rd edition, Harvey Gould, Jan Tobochnik, and Wolfgang Christian, Addison-Wesley, (2007)
Physlet Quantum Physics, Mario Belloni, Wolfgang Christian, and Anne Cox, Prentice Hall (2006)
Physlet Physics Wolfgang Christian and Mario Belloni, Prentice Hall, (2004)
Physlets. Wolfgang Christian and Mario Belloni, Prentice Hall, (2001)
Just In Time Teaching. G. Novak. , E. T. Patterson, A. Gavrin, and W. Christian, Prentice Hall (1999)
Waves and Optics: Vol. 9 of the Computational Physics Upper Level Software, CUPS, series. W. Christian, A. Antonelli, S. Fischer, B. James, R. Giles. John Wiley (1995).
Foreign Language Editions and Adaptations
פיזיקה גרסה עברית דר' דוד פונדק, דר' סעיד מחאג'נה, מר שאדי עסקלה המכללה האקדמית להנדסה אורט בראודה Multi-Representational Electromagnetics: Interactive Illustrations, Explorations, and Problems for Introductory Physics, Wolfgang Christian, Mario Belloni, Arie Maharshak, and David Pundak. (2008)פיזיקה גרסה עברית דר' דוד פונדק, דר' סעיד מחאג'נה, מר שאדי עסקלה המכללה האקדמית להנדסה אורט בראודה Multi-Representational Mechanics: Physlet® Physics: Interactive Illustrations, Explorations, and Problems for Introductory Physics, Wolfgang Christian, Mario Belloni, and David Pundak. (2006).
Physik mit Physlets, Frank Scheickert, Peter Krahmer, Alfred Nussbaumer, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni (2006).
Fizika s Fizleti: Interaktivne predstavitve in raziskave za uvod v fiziko, Wolfgang Christian, Mario Belloni, and Saša Divjak (2006).
Fislets: Enseñanza de la Física con Material Interactivo, por Francisco Esquembre, Ernesto Martín, Wolfgang Christian y Mario Belloni. Prentice-Hall, España, ISBN:84-205-3781-0, (2004).
Recent Publications (Computer Related)
· M. Belloni. and W, Christian, “Tumbling: from Rally Cars to Toast,” The Physics Teacher, 50 (7) pp. 427 (2012).
· Carlos A. Jara, Francisco Esquembre, Wolfgang Christian, Francisco A. Candelas, Fernando Torres, Sebastián Dormido, “A new 3D visualization Java framework based on physics principles,” Computer Physics Communications, 183, pp. 231-244 (2012).
· Christian, W., F. Esquembre, and L. Barbado, “Open Source Physics,” Science 25, Vol. 334 no. 6059 p1077-1078 (2011).
· Belloni, M., W. Christian, and F. Esquembre, “Aligning EJS Simulations from the ComPADRE OSP Collection with the United States High School Physics Teaching Standards,” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hands-on Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia. ISBN 9778-989-95095-7-3 (2011).
· W. Christian and J. Tobochnik, “Editorial: Augmenting AJP articles with computer simulations,” Am. J. Phys. 78 (9), pp. 885-886 (2010).
· W. Christian, “Guest Editorial: Augmenting TPT papers with computer simulations,” The Physics Teacher, 48 (6), 362 (2010).
· W. Christian and J. Tobochnik, “Editorial: Augmenting AJP articles with computer simulations,” Am. J. Phys. 78 (9), pp. 885-886 (2010).
· W. Christian, F. Esquembre, and B. Mason, “Easy Java Simulations and the ComPADRE OSP Collection,” Il Nuovo Cimento C 33, pp. 33-42 (2010)
· F. Esquembre, W. Christian, and B. Mason, “Workshop on Easy Java Simulations,” Il Nuovo Cimento C 33, 77-88 (2010) “Editorial: Computation and Computer-based Instruction.” Wolfgang Christian and Bradley Ambrose. Am. J. Phys. 76, pp. 293-294 (2008).
· Mario Belloni and Wolfgang Christian., “Time Development in Quantum Mechanics Using a Reduced Hilbert Space Approach,” Am. J. Phys. 76, pp. 385-392 (2008).
· Francisco Esquembre and Wolfgang Christian, ‘Ordinary Differential Equations”, in Dynamic System Modeling Paul Fishwick ed., Chapman & Hall/CRC Press (2007), ISBN 1-58488-565-3
· Wolfgang Christian and Francisco Esquembre, “Modeling Physics with Easy Java Simulations,” The Physics Teacher 45, pp. 475-480 (2007).
50 additional.