

Exploring the Singapore Version of webEJS: A Modern Platform for Interactive Simulations

The world of educational technology is ever-evolving, and Singapore has embraced this transformation with the webEJS platform. This modern tool is a JavaScript-based environment for creating and sharing interactive simulations, a successor to the older Java EJS (Easy Java Simulations) platform. With the increasing need for interactive and engaging learning materials, especially in science and engineering education, webEJS is a significant step forward.

What is webEJS?

webEJS (Easy JavaScript Simulations) is a web-based platform that allows educators, students, and developers to create and share interactive simulations. These simulations are primarily used for teaching and learning complex concepts in physics, mathematics, and engineering. The platform is based on JavaScript, making it more accessible and compatible with modern web browsers compared to its predecessor, which relied on Java.

The Singapore version of webEJS, hosted on the website, is particularly noteworthy. It provides a localized and tailored environment for Singaporean educators and students, offering a range of simulations that align with the curriculum and educational standards in Singapore.

Key Features of the Singapore Version of webEJS

  1. Interactive Simulations: The platform hosts a vast collection of simulations that cover various topics, from basic physics principles to complex engineering problems. These simulations are designed to be interactive, allowing users to manipulate variables and observe the outcomes in real-time.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: The Singapore version of webEJS features an intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to create and modify simulations. The platform’s editor is designed to be accessible, even for those with minimal programming experience, allowing educators to customize existing simulations or create new ones from scratch.

  3. Curriculum Alignment: The simulations available on the Singapore webEJS platform are aligned with the local educational curriculum. This makes it easier for educators to integrate these tools into their lessons, ensuring that the content is relevant and supports the learning objectives of their students.

  4. Collaboration and Sharing: One of the standout features of webEJS is its collaborative nature. Educators and students can share their simulations with others, fostering a community of learners and developers. This collaborative approach encourages the exchange of ideas and resources, enhancing the overall educational experience.

  5. Accessibility and Compatibility: Being a JavaScript-based platform, webEJS is compatible with most modern web browsers and devices, including tablets and smartphones. This ensures that students can access simulations from anywhere, promoting flexible and inclusive learning.

A Closer Look: Example Simulation

One example from the Singapore version of webEJS is a simulation designed to explore the properties of capacitors. Users can adjust the capacitance, voltage, and other parameters to see how these changes affect the energy stored in the capacitor. Such simulations are invaluable for visualizing abstract concepts, making learning more engaging and effective.

Why webEJS Matters

The transition from Java-based simulations to webEJS represents a significant improvement in terms of accessibility, usability, and functionality. By embracing web technologies, webEJS ensures that educational simulations are not only more accessible to a broader audience but also more sustainable in the long term, as they are no longer reliant on outdated technologies.

For Singaporean educators and students, the localized version of webEJS provides a powerful tool for enhancing the teaching and learning of complex subjects. Whether it’s exploring physics phenomena, understanding mathematical concepts, or delving into engineering problems, webEJS offers a versatile and user-friendly platform that supports interactive and experiential learning.


The Singapore version of webEJS is a prime example of how technology can be leveraged to enhance education. By providing a modern, accessible, and curriculum-aligned platform for creating and sharing simulations, webEJS empowers educators to deliver more engaging and effective lessons. As the platform continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of education in Singapore and beyond.



Command Line SFTP:

cd webejs/webejsopenserver
sudo docker compose logs --tail 100
sudo docker compose down && sudo docker compose up -d


Troubleshooting the Singapore webEJS Platform: The Current Issue of Inaccessibility 2024 July-present

The Singapore version of webEJS has become a vital tool for educators and students, providing an accessible and interactive platform for learning complex scientific and mathematical concepts. However, like any digital platform, webEJS is not without its technical challenges. One significant issue currently affecting the platform is its tendency to become inaccessible, requiring manual intervention to bring it back online.

The Problem: Inaccessibility of webEJS

Users of the Singapore webEJS platform have reported instances where the platform becomes inaccessible without warning. This issue disrupts the availability of educational resources and can be particularly frustrating for educators and students who rely on the platform for their lessons and studies.

The root cause of this issue appears to be related to the platform's server setup. The platform is hosted using Docker, a popular containerization tool that allows applications to run in isolated environments. While Docker provides many benefits, such as ease of deployment and scalability, it also introduces certain complexities, especially in terms of server management.

The Solution: Manual Restart

Currently, the workaround to resolve the inaccessibility issue involves manually restarting the webEJS server using a series of Docker commands. The steps to restore the platform are as follows:

  1. Access the Server: First, access the server where the webEJS platform is hosted. This typically requires SSH access or direct terminal access to the server.

  2. Navigate to the webEJS Directory: Change the directory to the location where the webEJS server files are stored. This is usually done with the command:

    cd webejs/webejsopenserver
  3. Check Docker Logs: Before restarting, it’s advisable to check the Docker logs to diagnose any potential issues. The command below retrieves the last 100 lines of logs:

    sudo docker compose logs --tail 100
  4. Restart the Docker Containers: To resolve the issue, the Docker containers running webEJS need to be stopped and then restarted. This is done with the following commands:

    sudo docker compose down && sudo docker compose up -d

    The first command stops all running containers, and the second command restarts them in detached mode.

This process effectively brings the webEJS platform back online, restoring access for users.

The Impact on Users

The need for manual intervention to maintain platform accessibility is a significant inconvenience. It requires technical knowledge of server management and Docker, which may not be readily available to all users. Additionally, the downtime can disrupt lessons and learning activities, causing frustration for educators and students alike.

Moving Forward: Potential Solutions

Addressing this issue requires a more permanent solution to ensure the platform remains consistently accessible. Potential approaches could include:

  1. Automated Monitoring and Restart Scripts: Implementing automated scripts that monitor the status of the Docker containers and automatically restart them if they become unresponsive could reduce downtime.

  2. Server Optimization: Investigating the root cause of the issue, whether it’s related to resource allocation, network issues, or software bugs, could lead to a more stable environment.

  3. Regular Maintenance Schedule: Establishing a regular maintenance schedule could help preemptively address potential issues before they lead to platform inaccessibility.


While the Singapore webEJS platform is a valuable resource for educators and students, its current issue of becoming intermittently inaccessible highlights the importance of reliable server management. Until a more permanent solution is implemented, users will need to rely on emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will manually restart the server to restore access. By addressing this challenge, the platform can continue to serve as a vital tool in the educational landscape of Singapore.



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