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Maria Jose Cano, Ernesto Mart’n, and Francisco Esquembre - Universidad Murcia; Fremont Teng; Ernesto Martin; Francisco Esquembre - Universidad Murcia; Loo Kang Wee

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Magnet Falling in a Coil with Tube Simulator JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 by Maria Jose Cano, Ernesto Mart’n, and Francisco Esquembre - Universidad Murcia; Ernesto Martin;  Loo Kang Wee and Fremont Teng

Magnet falling in a coil with tube simulator is an interesting physics concept that can be easily demonstrated using a JavaScript simulation applet in HTML5. The concept involves the use of Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, which states that a change in the magnetic field through a circuit induces an electromotive force (EMF) in the circuit. This concept can be demonstrated by dropping a magnet through a coil of wire and observing the resulting changes in the magnetic field as depicting on the moving electrons in the tube.

Using a JavaScript simulation applet, a webGL 3D virtual environment can be created to simulate the experiment. The simulation can be designed to display the position versus time graph and the velocity versus time graph of the falling magnet in the coil of wire. The position versus time graph shows the position of the magnet as a function of time, while the velocity versus time graph shows the velocity of the magnet as a function of time. Due to the electromagnetic induction, the falling magnet causes an opposing force to be setup in the tube as due the magnet falls slowly that a freely falling ball as shown.

The simulation can be designed with a user-friendly interface that allows users to adjust the parameters of the simulation, such as 

  1. the kind of material the tube is made of such as Copper, Aluminium and Plastic 
  2. the number of coils simulated in the coil, 
  3. the strength of the magnetic field produced by the magnet, and 
  4. diameter of the coil. 
The applet can also be designed to display real-time data on the position and velocity of the magnet as compare to a free falling ball.
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Copper Tube
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Aluminium Tube
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Plastic Tube

One advantage of using a simulation applet to demonstrate this concept is that it allows users to visualize the phenomenon in a way that would be difficult to achieve with a physical experiment. The simulation can be designed to display the position and velocity of the magnet over time, providing a clear visual representation of how the magnet's motion is affected by the changing magnetic field.

In conclusion, the Magnet falling in a coil with tube simulator is an excellent tool for teaching and learning about the principles of electromagnetic induction. By displaying the position versus time graph and the velocity versus time graph of the falling magnet, the simulation provides a clear visual representation of how the changing magnetic field affects the magnet's motion. This can help users to develop a deeper understanding of this important concept and its practical applications.



Combo Box

The Combo Box is split into two separate functions.
Selecting options under the Tube Materials will set it's material.
None, Copper, Aluminium, Plastic, Iron (Left to Right)
Selecting the options under the graphs will toggle which graph visible.
(Voltage vs Time)

(Position Vs Time)

(Velocity Vs Time)

Editable Field Boxes

Adjusting the N field box will set the number of turns the coil will make.
Adjusting the Magnet u field box will set the strength of the magnet.
Adjusting the Coil field box will set the size of the coil.

Toggling Full Screen

Double clicking anywhere on the screen will toggle full screen.
Note that this won't work if the simulation is running.

Play/Pause, Step and Reset Buttons

Plays/Pauses, steps and resets the simulation respectively.







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