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Reflection of light


A light ray from the SOLID YELLOW object strikes a vertical mirror at point O, and the reflected ray enters the eye thus allowing the person to see the solid yellow object inside the mirror shown as dotted lines. By projecting an imaginary normal line through point O perpendicular to the mirror, known as the normal, we can measure the angle of incidence, θi and the angle of reflection, θr. The law of reflection states that θi = θr, or in other words, the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. The dotted light rays shows the imaginary lines that the image appears to come from assuming light travels in a straight line path. The arrow head direction serves to symbolize the direction of light travelling.

Play with the Reflection Mirror Model to explore the following

  1. point object with simple ray, to multiple rays entering the eye.
  2. large object (BLACK) with multiple rays entering the eye

Sample Learning Goals

(a) recall and use the terms for reflection, including normal, angle of incidence and angle of reflection
(b) state that, for reflection, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection and use this
principle in constructions, measurements and calculations.





Code Language Translator Run


Leong Tze Kwang; lookang

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