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Code Language Translator Run


Fu-Kwun Hwang; Tan Wei Chiong; lookang

Sample Learning Goals


For Teachers

In physics, the Coriolis effect is a deflection of moving objects when they are viewed in a rotating reference frame. In a reference frame with clockwise rotation, the deflection is to the left of the motion of the object; in one with counter-clockwise rotation, the deflection is to the right. The following simulation help you visualize the Coriolis effect!

This applet simulate particles motions observed from an inertia frame and rotating (observer rotates with the frame, so it appears stationary) frame. The spherical body will rotate when you press "play" button.
The magenta arrows are velocity vectors at different points on the spherical surface. 
Press "jump" to shoot out particles.  
You can use mouse to change the 3D view.

There are six projectiles distributed uniformally.
Those 6 circles represent the initial positions (move with the earth) for those six projectiles.
Blue arrows shows the final displacement 
Two sets of six black traces are trajectories viewed from inertial/non-inertial frames.


by NOVA PBS Official



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