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Here is a question for you:

Support there is a container(color:orange) with mass m, and a heavy object with mass M (circle shape).

The first case: right side in the simulation

mass M is put inside the container, then let it float on top of the liquid, the liquid level rise by H.

The second case: left side in the simulation

What if the mass M is hanged under the container, then let it float on top of the liquid,the liquid level rise by h.

What is the relation between H and h

1) H>h

2) H=h

3) H<h


You can try out with the simulation. However, I would suggest you select an answer before you play with it.

Fu-Kwun Hwang



Code Language Translator Run


Fu-Kwun Hwang - Dept. of Physics, National Taiwan Normal Univ.; Fremont Teng; Loo Kang Wee

Sample Learning Goals


For Teachers


Combo Box and Options

Toggling the combo box will give you their respective options.
Control gives you check boxes

While Liquid Density and Object Density give sliders

Draggable Labels

You can drag the position of the labels from the centre of the text.

(Example Placing 1)

(Example Placing 2)

Step Button

Steps the simulation.

Toggling Full Screen

Double click anywhere on the screen to toggle full screen.

Reset Button

Resets the simulation.






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