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Code Language Translator Run


Shaun Quek; Loo Kang Wee; based on ideas by Theresa Heng; Francisco Esquembre; Félix Jesús Garcia Clemente,

Sample Learning Goals


For Teachers

2 Player Knight's Tour Game HTML5 JavaScript Applet

Initial state of the game
The link to the game can be found here.


This is a simple 2 player knight's tour game, where each player takes a turn moving the knight on the board. No square on the board can be visited more than once. A player wins when they are able to either:
  • land on a star on their turn
  • make the other player run out of moves
The aim of this game is to encourage students to think critically above their moves, and to adapt to the moves of their opponent. 
A game in progress
The link to the game can be found here.







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