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Sample Learning Goals



Rate of Reaction (Factors affecting Rate of Reaction)

Big idea/


  • Reactions happen only when the reacting species collide with each other with sufficient energy (aka activation energy). 
  • Reaction rates are dependent on environmental factors (e.g. temperature, and concentration). They can be determined by measuring changes in concentrations of reactants or products over time.



  • Sec 4 Chemistry O-Level Chemistry / O-Level Science (Chemistry)

Prerequisite Knowledge

  • Particulate Nature of Matter 
  • Concepts such as temperature in relation to kinetic energy 
  • Acid reactions and concentration of a solution

Learning Issue to be addressed

  • Students have the misconception that all collisions are effective collisions which leads to a reaction 
  • For the factor of temperature, students tend to focus on the rate of reacting particles, forgetting to mention the energetic aspect (i.e. whether more/fewer particles have energy equal to or more than activation energy)
  • Students have the misconception that larger particle size = larger surface area
  • Students tend to explain the factor of concentration using “more/fewer particles” rather than “more/fewer particles per unit volume”
  • Students confuse "frequency" with "number of products"

For Teachers SLS CG lesson by Daryl
An educational demonstration of factors affecting the rate of reaction. Using a realistic physics model, see how various starting conditions influence how quickly a reaction proceeds.
Find the simulation here:"}">Rate of Reaction


Watch the particles interact in real time


Configure starting and boundary conditions

See how many of each type of particle there are
Change the surface area of a reactant
Watch until it's all reacted
 Keywords: Interactive Simulation, Chemistry, Reaction



Video Effect of Temperature on Speed of Reaction  by ETDtogo How does concentration affect rate of reaction? by ChemJungle How do Temperature and Concentration Affect the Rate of Reaction? by Chemistry Breakdown The effect of surface area and particle size on the rate of a chemical reaction. by Michael Kavanagh How does surface area affect rate of reaction? by ChemJungle 


Other Resources show the arrangement and movement of particles in the different states of matter are due to the varying strength of the forces of attraction between the particles. show how solid melts to become a liquid in terms of kinetic particle theory and energy changes! Instructions:
Step 1: Select "Intro"
Step 2: Tick "Collision Counter" tab
Step 3: Expand "Particles" tab by clicking on the "+" icon
Step 4: Add some "Light" (red coloured) particles to the vessel
Step 5: Add in more "Light" particles and observe what happens to:
a. Pressure reading for the vessel
b. Number of Collisions
(remember to start the wall collision counter after you have added the particles and wait for the reading to be taken)
Step 6: Based on your observations from Step 5, go to the "Connect" column below and key in how pressure affects the rate of reaction.

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