


Briefing Document: Creating Electronic Chapters with EjsS

1. Introduction

This document summarizes information from a collection of materials relating to a presentation and associated work by Loo Kang Lawrence Wee on creating interactive electronic learning materials using the Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations (EjsS) modeling tool. The core theme is the development of dynamic, interactive electronic textbooks for physics education, moving away from the limitations of static, printed materials. This work was presented at the 20th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning (MPTL20) in Munich, Germany, in September 2015.

2. Key Themes and Ideas

3. Key Facts and Details


5. Potential Areas for Further Investigation:

6. Conclusion

This work represents a significant move towards interactive and dynamic learning resources using open source tools. The focus on pedagogical design and curriculum customization, combined with the use of the powerful EjsS modeling tool, positions this project as a valuable contribution to the field of physics education. The desire to share and network with other educators suggests a strong commitment to the OER and OSP ideals, potentially paving the way for more innovative and accessible learning materials.


Overseas Training MPTL20 Germany Sept 9-11 2015

i could be going to Germany MPTL20 in 2015?


Type of Training: Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Course/Attachment


20th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning (MPTL20) 


9 – 11 Sept 2015 


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München – the University of Munich, Germany 

Conducting Agency:

Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning Group 


The International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning provides an annual forum to exchange information and ideas about the use of multimedia in physics teaching and learning. The scientific advisory board includes members of the Open Source Physics group like Wolfgang Christian, Davidson College, USA and Francisco Esquembre, University of Murcia, Spain for which the SS has deep expertise on. 

As such, the objectives of training include: 1) gain the latest ideas and knowledge on incorporating ICT in education; 2) share these ideas and knowledge with colleagues and teachers upon return; 3) explore possibilities in integrating new ideas and knowledge into local educational context, 4) contribute new ideas to the international educational community of the conference by presenting a paper Open Source Physics. 


Given the multiple opportunities to learn and contribute new ideas to the international educational community from the conference, it is beneficial and worthwhile for the nominated specialist to participate in the MPTL20. Nominated officer’s present duties include use of the Open source Physics tool, Tracker for advancing eduLab 017: becoming like scientist through video analysis. The participation in this proposed conference will benefit the officer’s immediate job scope, the Singapore leaning communities and committee the officer sit in such as the H1 and H2 A level syllabus development. The officer can also add new perspectives to the global arena with the work based on the Singapore context. 

Besides, the latest findings and issues discussed in this conference will help assist in the mentoring of our collaborating teachers in integrating ICT in the classroom, so as to guide them towards the goals of mp4.

20th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning

Parallel Session SIM/VID Room A (D Z003)
Contribution 6A1 Fri, 11 Sep, 11:30–11:45


Creating Electronic Books for Computers and Tablets Using Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations, EjsS Modeling Tool

Loo Kang Lawrence Wee
Ministry of Education, Singapore

Introduction and Theory

This paper shares my 2014 December journey (tools used, design principles derived and modeling pedagogy implemented) when creating electronic books-chapters (epub3 format) for computers and tablets using Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations, (old name EJS, new EjsS) Modeling Tool. The theory underpinning this work grounded on learning by doing through dynamic and interactive simulation-models that can be more easily made sense of instead of the static nature of printed materials.

Concept and Implementation

I have been developing stand alone EJS and more recently EjsS computer models to allow anyone to run them on their Android tablets and iPad. After the Singapore Easy Java/JavaS-cript Simulations, EjsS Modeling Tool workshop organised by Francisco Esquembre and Wolfgang Christian 25-28 November 2014, I started combining related computer models with supporting texts and illustrations into a coherent chapter, a logical next step towards tighter support for teachers and students.
I have since spent 6 months developing prototypes electronic chapters on the topics of Sim-ple Harmonic Motion and Gravity customized for the Singapore-Cambridge General Certifi-cate of Education Advanced Level (A-level).

Objectives and Assessment

I aim to inspire more educators to create interactive and open educational resources for the benefit of all and network with like minded educators to add elements of assessment for learning, such as automated marking in future releases of the electronic books-chapters.

Prototypes are available via links here:,
the EjsS Singapore Digital Library

  1. direct links
  2. direct link
  3. and Apple iBook Store  Google Play Book and Kindle Book

update:  3 july

Creating Electronic Books for Computers and Tablets
Using Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations, EjsS Modeling Tool

Lookang Loo Kang Lawrence Wee
Ministry of Education, Singapore

Introduction and Theory

This paper shares my 2014 December journey (tools used, design principles derived and 
modeling pedagogy implemented) when creating electronic books-chapters (epub3 format) 
for computers and tablets using Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations, (old name EJS, new EjsS) 
Modeling Tool. The theory underpinning this work is grounded on learning by doing  throughis dynamic and interactive simulations-modelsnature of physics knowledge that can be 
more easily made sense ofand readily run-able using JavaScript simulations-computer models 
instead of the static nature of printed materials.

Concept and Implementation
I have been developing stand alone EJS and more recently EjsS computer models to allow 
anyone to run them on their Android tablets and iPad, smartphones can run them too but less 
than 5.5 inch screen size is not ideal for usability
. After the Singapore Easy Java/JavaScript 
Simulations, EjsS Modeling Tool workshop organised by Francisco Esquembre and Wolfgang 
Christian 25-28 Novmeber 2014, I started combining related computer models with support-
ing texts and illustrations into a coherent chapter, a logical next step towards tighter support 
for teachers and students.
I have since spent 6 months developing prototypes electronic chapters on the topics of Sim-
ple Harmonic Motion and Gravity customized for the Singapore-Cambridge General Certifi-
cate of Education Advanced Level (A-level).

Objectives and Assessment
I aim to inspire more educators to create interactive and open educational resources for the 
benefit of all and network with like minded educators to add elements of assessment for 
learning, such as automated marking in future releases of the electronic books-chapters.

Prototypes are available via Dropbox links here:,

the EjsS Singapore Digital Library
and Apple iBook Store  Google Play Book and Kindle Book

Update 18 June 2015
Dear Lookang Lawrence,

We are happy to inform you that your submission number 14 with the title
Creating Electronic Chapters for Computers and Tablets using Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations, EjsS Modeling Tool
has been accepted for the 20th Internationa Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning.

Attached you will find the reviewer's comments.

We would like to encourage you to improve your abstract based on the reviewer’s comments.

We added Word documents to the EasyChair system for most of the submissions.
Please download these Word documents (if available) and edit them according to the reviewer’s comments (otherwise please use the word template on the conference website).

Afterwards, please use the update function to upload the edited file. Please do not open a new submission.

Although dividing the abstract into three parts according to the author guidelines was only a recommendation, most of the authors followed this recommendation. Thus, we would like to encourage those who have not done so yet to structure your abstract in the same manner.

And please take a look at the author’s names and affiliations.

Please keep in mind that the Book of Abstracts will be published by the European Physical Society in printed and in electronic form with ISBN.

The deadline for the update of the final abstract is:

Wednesday, 24 June.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,


----------------------- REVIEW 1 ---------------------
TITLE: Creating Electronic Chapters for Computers and Tablets using Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations, EjsS Modeling Tool
AUTHORS: Lookang Lawrence Wee


----------- REVIEW -----------
The topic is of great interest because it points to the immediate future of science textbook publishing.

Although technical aspects are important, I would be particularly interested in learning about the design and pedagogical aspects of this work. What implications has the new media in the way the author writes the narrative and interacts with the embedded simulations?

The author mentions these aspects and I hope he insists on them in his presentation.

----------------------- REVIEW 2 ---------------------
TITLE: Creating Electronic Chapters for Computers and Tablets using Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations, EjsS Modeling Tool
AUTHORS: Lookang Lawrence Wee


----------- REVIEW -----------
Creating and distributing interactive ePub 3 books is technically challenging and MPTL participants will be interested in learning about the author's experience developing the proof-of-concept eBooks referenced in the abstract. As stated in the abstract, the author has created many interactive simulations for use in Singapore schools and the materials in the author's eBooks are also available on his website in standalone html pages. It would be useful to learn if eBooks distribution is successful and if this new distribution mechanism is being compared to other distribution mechanisms and if the eBooks are being improved based on teacher feedback.

i am submitting! MPTL 2015 Submission 14

Creating Electronic Chapters for Computers and Tablets using  Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations, EjsS Modeling Tool



E Book


 Animations and simulations, Concepts to Initialize Learning Activities with Modern Media, Designing multimedia (MM) for teaching/learning physics and science in general, Graduate University Education (Master, PhD), In-Service Teacher Education, Integration of MM materials in physics teaching and learning, Multimedia for the teaching and learning process, Pre-Service Teacher Education, Undergraduate University Education (Bachelor), Upper Secondary Education (approximate ages 15-19)


Introduction and Theory

This paper shares my 2014 December journey (tools used, design principles gleaned and modeling pedagogy implemented) when creating electronic books-chapters (epub3 format) for computers and tablets using Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations, (old name EJS, new EjsS) Modeling Tool. The theory is dynamic and interactive nature of physics knowledge can be more easily made sense instead of the static nature of printed materials. The new JavaScript code generating capability of EjsS has made the already widely used Physics education authoring toolkit, even more relevant in today's schools with no shortage of computers and tablets.

Concept and Implementation

I have been developing stand alone EJS thank to Fu-Kwun Hwang's NTNU Java Virtual Lab Forum and more recently EjsS computer models to allow anyone to run them on their Android tablets and iPad. After the Singapore Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations, EjsS Modeling Tool workshop organised by Francisco Esquembre and Wolfgang Christian 25-28 November 2014, I started combining related computer models with supporting texts and illustrations into a coherent chapter, a logical next step towards tighter support for teachers and students.
I have since spent 6 months developing prototypes electronic chapters on the topics of Simple Harmonic Motion and Gravity customized for the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (A-level).

Objectives and Assessment

I hope to inspire more educators to create interactive and open educational resources for the benefit of all and network with like minded educators possibly adding elements of assessment for learning, such as automated marking in future releases of the electronic books-chapters.
Prototypes are available via
  1. Dropbox links here, direct links:
  2. the EjsS Singapore Digital Library and 
  3. Apple iBook Store.

Please keep all original receipts - conference fee, transport and bank statement to make claims.20th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning

to be held in Munich, Germany, 9-11 September 2015.

The Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München is proud to organize the MPTL 2015, and we will do our best to make it both fruitful and enjoyable.
The MPTL 2015 will be an opportunity not only to present the results of your work, but also to communicate and discuss common research topics with colleagues.

Please consider submission for the conference.

The first 50 international researchers (with PhD) with accepted contributions will receive a 150 Euro travel grant!

Conference days:
September 9–11, 2015

Abstract submission
Deadline: May 31, 2015

Early registration: May–June, 2015
Regular: July–August, 2015

The registration page is now open.

When submitting an oral presentation, a poster, a workshop or a symposium proposal, you will be required to submit an abstract not exceeding 3000 characters (incl. spaces and special characters) via the registration site on the conference web page. 
The official language of the conference is English, so proposals should be sent and presented in this language.

The web address for the registration is:

After the registration submit the abstract file following the author guidelines on the conference page:

Further details on electronic submission, registration and accommodation will be provided on the Conference Web Site:

On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Raimund Girwidz & Lars-Jochen Thoms

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Chair of Physics Education
Theresienstr. 37
D-80333 Munich

 Title  iOS iBook  Android Play Book  URL
 Gbook Link
 Oscillators  20160127SHM.epub  Gbook Link



Frequently Asked Questions about Interactive Electronic Chapters using EjsS

  1. What is EjsS and why is it being used to create electronic chapters? EjsS (Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations) is a modeling tool that allows users to create dynamic and interactive simulations. It is being used to develop electronic chapters to provide a more engaging and hands-on learning experience compared to static, traditional printed materials. The use of JavaScript in EjsS enables these interactive models to run on a variety of devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones, expanding their accessibility. The underlying theory is that learning by doing through interactive simulations helps students understand physics concepts more effectively.
  2. What is the primary goal of developing these electronic chapters? The primary goal is to inspire more educators to create interactive and open educational resources. These resources aim to benefit students by providing a more engaging way to learn physics concepts through simulations, rather than the traditional method of reading from a textbook. Additionally, there is a drive to network with like-minded educators to integrate assessment elements like automated marking into these materials. This means the goal is not just to provide a simulation, but to provide a fully integrated and adaptive learning experience.
  3. What topics are covered by these prototype electronic chapters? The initial prototype electronic chapters focus on two key physics concepts: Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) and Gravity. These chapters are specifically customized for the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (A-level), indicating a high level of alignment to curriculum.
  4. How are these electronic chapters distributed, and what format are they in? The electronic chapters are distributed in the epub3 format, which is compatible with a wide range of devices, including computers and tablets. Prototypes are available via Dropbox, the EjsS Singapore Digital Library, and some are published in Apple iBook Store, Google Play Books, and Kindle Book. This demonstrates a multi-platform distribution method designed to reach as many users as possible.
  5. What are some of the key design and pedagogical considerations involved in creating these interactive chapters? The design and pedagogical principles focus on "learning by doing." This is achieved by embedding interactive simulation models into the chapters that allow users to manipulate variables and directly observe their effects on physics phenomena. The narrative of the textbook is adapted to interact closely with the simulation. The goal is to move away from passive reading and toward active engagement.
  6. What is the significance of Open Source Physics and how is it related to this work? Open Source Physics (OSP) is a group whose work focuses on creating and sharing free, customizable educational resources, particularly in physics. The developer of these electronic chapters has deep expertise with OSP and uses tools and resources made available by OSP such as EjsS. The project shares the OSP ethos by aiming to make interactive resources free and openly accessible, promoting collaboration and the improvement of learning materials for everyone. OSP also provides a community and support structure for educators interested in building simulations for education.
  7. How has this work been received by the academic and educational community? The work has been well-received, with acceptance for presentation at the 20th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning (MPTL20). Reviewers noted the significance of the project's approach to science textbook publishing and were particularly interested in the design and pedagogical considerations behind it. There was a desire to know more about how this new medium changes the narrative and interaction with simulations. This acceptance and feedback indicate a broader interest in and value for this approach to creating learning materials.
  8. What future developments are planned for these electronic chapters? Future developments include incorporating elements of assessment for learning, such as automated marking. The project aims to gather teacher feedback, compare distribution mechanisms, and add new ideas in local and global educational communities. This signifies a commitment to continuous improvement and expansion of the materials and methodology. The goal is to not only make educational resources accessible, but to make them effective in supporting student learning and teacher mentorship.