


IPSG Designing SLS lessons and resources for A-level Physics

15th Physics IPSG Symposium (2023):

Venue: St Andrew’s Junior College (SAJC)

Date: 18 Jan 2023 (Wed) 

Time: 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm. 

Event: 3:45 pm Concurrent Presentations

Breakout Session Room 3

Venue: Blk D Classroom D103

Facilitator(s): Darren Tan 

Presenter:  Lawrence Wee (15 mins) 

Teaching is an art and a science – join in this conversation with MOE HQ specialists about harnessing the affordances of the SLS platform to develop lessons and resources. Using several case studies, we will muse about various design principles that have informed lessons in the MOE Library and Community Gallery since the rollout of the Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS) in 2018. We also seek partnerships with teachers to co-create future resources, so if this may interest you, do join this session.

Live Demo

  1. Community Gallery Example 1
    1. Progressive Quiz – Use of YouTube Video (start and end) and MCQ for scaffolding learners’ attention to concepts, almost like Edpuzzle
  2. Community Gallery Example 2
    1. Adding Interactive Thinking Tool – Activate Prior Knowledge - for students to type in their thinking and also see other students’ responses anonymously and even give feedback (peer learning from each other), instead of a free response text.
    2. Adding Text/Media - Simulation for Conceptual Change - Active Inquiry
    3. Question HINT - YouTube tutorial – Scaffolding - to support learners’ inquiry
    4. Progressive Quiz – Breaking content into simpler chunks - as a more screen friendly way to present content where student click on 1,2,3 and so on instead of a long scrolling to navigate to content
  3. Simulation with Monitoring Capabilities coming in 2023 to SLS (a Senior Specialist Project) for teachers to provide more targeted feedback and intervention
  4. Q&A





















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