
 Tentative Programme and Schedule
Theme: Blended-Learning
Date & Time: 20 January 2021, 2.30 – 5.15 pm




2.00 – 2.30 pm


2.30 – 2.45 pm

Context setting on Blended-Learning


2.45 – 3.30 pm

Keynote Address (inc. 15 min Q&A)


3.30 – 3.40 pm


3.40 – 4.30 pm

“Exploration” Sessions  and/or “Anchor” Sessions

Include sharings on


•   ETD sharing on SLS Assessment Tools (Lookang & Shirley, ETD)


4.30 – 4.40 pm


4.40 – 5.00 pm

“Anchor” Session 3 (20 min) (Subject-specific sharing)

5.00 – 5.15 pm

Reflection + Feedback on Breakout Sessions

You and Shirley will be sharing during the “Exploration” Sessions where we invite speakers to share on current and contemporary issues including on the theme of Blended-Learning. For this session, you will be given about 30 min to share in a Zoom video conference session for our A-level Science teachers. The presentation will then be followed by about 5-10 min short discussion, facilitated by a facilitator. You can expect some Q&A during this segment. You could present your work using a powerpoint presentation or through other forms, such as demos, videos etc., which you think are appropriate.




Abstract: Student Learning Space Tools

The Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS) is one of MOE’s key initiatives to transform the learning experiences of students through the purposeful use of technology. This use of technology has afforded new ways of assessing student learning which can provide teachers with useful information to improve the design of their future lessons while at the same time, enable students to better monitor their learning and progress. In this sharing, we will introduce the different tools and resources in SLS that can help a teacher create / carry out an assessment more efficiently and effectively. Examples of different types of assessment tasks that can be carried out using SLS will also be shared.
We will also share examples of new learning possibilities afforded by digital technologies , known as e-pedagogies in the context of interactive tools. In Physics Tracker video analysis and modelling tool is a suitable example of e-pedagogy that supports students’ self-directed and modelling building pedagogy, where we found the dynamics particle model building process to have benefited high ability students. In recent years, we have also co-create some virtual laboratories for O Level Chemistry and Primary Science Biology that support blended learning (virtual and physical laboratory) that have the potential to be used to strengthen the weaknesses in either form of learning.



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